The Miracles of the Nabi Pakﷺ – part 25

The blind man was cured when he said a Du’â’ that was taught to him by the Prophet ﷺ

Imâm al-Baihaqî related on the authority of ‘Uthmân bin Hunaif, who said: “I heard the Prophet when a blind man came to him and complaining that he had lost his sight. The man said to the Prophetﷺ: “O Messenger of Allâh! I do not have anyone to lead me (as I am a blind man) and it has become difficult for me to keep going”. The Messenger of Allâh ﷺthen said: “Go and make Wudû’ (ablution) and pray two Rak’as and say: “O Allâh! I ask You and turn to you by the dignity of your Prophet Muhammad,ﷺ the Messenger of mercy. O Muhammad!ﷺ I turn to my Lord, by your dignity (and honor), to return back my sight to me. O Allâh! I ask You for his intercession (for me).” ‘Uthmân said: “By Allâh, we did not leave our place, and we did not remain there for long, except that the man came in as if he had never suffered from any disease”.

His Du’â’ is answered:

Imâm al-Bukhârî narrated on the authority of Abû Hurairah, who said: “I said to the Prophetﷺ: “I hear many Ahâdîth from you but I forget them.” The Messenger of Allâh ﷺsaid: “Spread your garment” “I did accordingly and then he moved his hands as if filling them with something (and emptied them in my garment) and then said: “Take and wrap this sheet over your body”. “I did it, and after that I never forgot anything”.

In another narration, he said to the companions : “Whoever spreads his garment till I finish my speech, then collects it to his chest, will never forget whatever I’ve said!” Abû Hurairah said: “Therefore I spread my garment, and he directed his speech to me, then I collected it. By Allâh! I never forgot anything which I heard from him later on”. His Du’â’ for Ibn ‘Abbâs:

Imâm al-Bukhârî narrated on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbâs who said: “Once the Prophetﷺ entered a lavatory and I placed water for his ablution. He asked “Who placed it?” He was was informed accordingly and so he said: “O Allâh! Grant him (Ibn ‘Abbâs) Fiqh (understanding) in religion.

Imâm al-Baihaqî in another narration by Ibn ‘Abbâs added that the Prophet ﷺput his hand on his (Ibn ‘Abbâs) shoulder and said: “O Allâh Grant him Fiqh (understanding) in religion and teach him the interpretation of the Qur’ân”.

Allâh the Almighty responded to the Du’â’ of His Messengerﷺ for his cousin (Ibn ‘Abbâs), who became a scholar in religion, especially in the science of Tafsîr (Qur’ân exegesis). He benefited from all the knowledge of the companions, which they learnt from the Prophet ﷺbefore he was even born, and also from all that he managed to hear from the Prophet ﷺbefore his death.

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