The Miracles of the Nabi Pakﷺ – part 27

His Du’a’ for Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas:

The Messenger of Allâh made Du’â’ for him while he was sick, and he got better. Also, he made Du’a’ that Sa’d’s invocation would always be answered. The Prophet said: “O Allâh, make his spear hit unerringly and answer his prayer (Du¹â³)”.

As narrated by Imâm al-Bukhârî, the Du’â’ of Sa’d was answered when he was the governor of AlKûfah in Iraq. Jâbir bin Sumrah narrated that: “The people of Kûfah complained against Sa’d to ‘Umar and the latter dismissed him and appointed ‘Ammâr as their chief. They lodged many complaints against Sa’d and even alleged that he did not pray properly. ‘Umar sent for him and said: “O Abâ Ishâq! These people claim that you do not pray properly”. Abû Ishâq (Sa’d) said: “By Allâh, I used to pray with them a prayer similar to that of Allâh’s Messenger and I never reduced anything of it. I used to prolong the first two Rak’ât of ‘Ishâ’ and shorten the last two Rak‘ât”. ‘Umar said: “O Abu Ishâq, this was what I thought about you.” And then he sent one or more persons with him to Kûfah so as to ask the people about him. So, they went there and did not leave any mosque without asking about him. All the people praised him till they came to the mosque of the tribe of Banî Abs; one of the men called Usâmah bin Qatâdah with the surname of Abâ Sa’dah stood up and said: “As you have put us under an oath; I am bound to tell you that Sa’d never went himself with the army and never distributed booty) equally and never did justice in legal verdicts.” (On hearing it) Sa’d said: “I pray to Allâh for three things: O Allâh! If this slave of yours is a liar and got up for showing off, give him a long life, increase his poverty and put him to trials.” (And so it happened). Later on when that person was asked about his condition, and he used to reply that he was an old man in trial as the result of Sa’d’s curse. ‘Abdul Malik, the sub-narrator, said that he had seen him afterwards and his eyebrows were hanging over his eyes owing to old age and he used to tease and assault the small girls in the way “66

His Du’a’ for As-Sâ’ib:

Imâm al-Bukhârî narrated on the authority of AsSâ’ib bin Yazîd who said: “My aunt took me to Allâh’s Messenger and said: “O Allâh’s Messenger! My sister’s son is sick.” So, he passed his hand over my head and invoked Allâh’s blessing upon me and then performed ablution. I drank from the water of his ablution and I stood behind him and looked at his Khatm (seal of Prophethood) between his shoulders (and its size was) like the button of a tent. *67 As-Sâ’ib lived until he was ninety four, and his body remained upright, and never bent forward. Not one hair that the hand of the Prophet touched became white. His senses remained strong until he died, due to the blessing of the Prophet’s Du’â’ for him.