The Miracles of the Nabi Pakﷺ – part 23

An army which walks on the water:

Imâm al-Baihaqâ related on the authority of alA’mash who said: “We reached The Tigris river (at the battle of al-Madâ’in) and the Persians were on the opposite bank of the river. A Muslim man said: “In the name of Allâh”, and he entered the water with his horse, which started to run over the water. The rest of the army then said: “In the name of Allâh” and broke into the water like him, and here they were all running (with their horses) and walking over the water. The Persians then looked at them and said: “Crazy people! Crazy people!” and they fled. The Muslims then started to see if they had missed anything, and it was only a cup, which had been hung by the saddle of one of the warriors. Then they started to divide the war booty (which the enemy had left behind) between themselves.

Miracles related to the cure of disease:

The Prophet cures the boy who is suffering from epilepsy (due to being touched by the Shaitân):

Imâm Ahmad narrated on the authority of Ya’lî Ibn Murrah who said: “A woman came to the Prophet with a son of hers who was suffering from epilepsy (due to being touched by the Shaitân). The Messenger of Allâh said to him: “Get out you – enemy of Allâh- I am the Messenger of Allâh “. Thereupon the boy was cured, and the woman gave the Messenger of Allâh two sheep, some cheese and some butter as a present. The Prophet took the cheese and the butter, and one of the two sheep, and gave her the other “