The Miracles of the Nabi Pakﷺ – part 8

The reason behind Ibn Mas ‘ûd’s embracing Islâm:

Imâm Ahmad narrated on the authority of Ibn Mas’ûd who said: “I was a young shepherd boy pasturing sheep for ‘Uqbah Ibn Abû Mu’aiyt. The Nabi Pakﷺ once came with Abû Bakr and said: “0 boy, do you have milk for us to drink?” I replied : “Yes, but I am entrusted with these sheep (i.e. I can’t let you drink their milk)”. The Nabi Pakﷺ said: “Do you have a virgin sheep that has never mated with a male?” I thereupon brought him a sheep, which he caught and stroked its udder, which became full with milk. The Nabi Pakﷺ milked the sheep into a bowl, drank some of the milk and gave Abû Bakr to drink. After that the Nabi Pakﷺ said to the udder, “Shrink” and it did. I went to the Nabi Pakﷺ after this incident and said to him: “Teach me this kind of talk (i.e. the prayers he was uttering)”. The Nabi Pakﷺ stroke his head and said: “O boy! May Allâh have mercy on you. You are already a learned boy”. (In another narration by Imâm al-Baihaqî, Ibn Mas’ûd added: “I learnt from the Nabi Pakﷺ seventy chapters that no one else learnt from him”.

The Hadîth narrated by Umm Ma’bad (on the way to Madinah):

When the Nabi Pakﷺ was on his way to Madînah (during his migration Journey), he stopped at the tent of a woman called Umm Ma’bad al-Khuzâ’iyah. She was a gracious lady who sat at her tent-door

h a mat spread out for any traveler that might . The Nabi Pakﷺ and his companion wanted .refresh themselves with food and some milk, so hey asked her if she had anything (food or milk) for hem. The lady told them that the flock was out in the sture and the goat standing nearby was almost
and it was a rainless year. The Nabi Pakﷺ asked er to bring that goat to him. He rubbed its udders vith his hand, reciting the name of Allâh and making Du‘â’. To their joy, there flowed plenty of milk out of them. The Nabi Pakﷺ first offered it to the lady of the house, and she drank until she quenched her thirst. He shared what was left with his and they drank to their fill. Before he companions,left, he milked the goat once more, filled the container and gave it to her. When her husband arrived with slender goats hardly having any milk in their udders, he was astonished to see milk in the house. His wife told him that a blessed man passed by, and then she gave him details about his physical appearance and manner of talk. Here Abû Ma’bad realized on the spot that the man was the one whom the Quraish were searching for and asked her to give a full description of him….

एक ख़्वाब

हज़रत इमाम हसन रज़ियल्लाहु तआला अन्हु ने एक रात ख़्वाब में देखा कि दोनों आंखों के दर्मियान “कुल हुवल्लाहु अहद” लिखी है। आपके अहले बैत यह ख़्वाब सुनकर बहुत खुश हुए लेकिन जब यह ख़्वाब सईद इब्ने मुसय्यब रज़ियल्लाहु तआला अन्हु को बताया तो उन्होंने फ़रमाया कि वाक़ई अगर यह ख़्वाब देखा है तो हज़रत इमाम की उम्र के चंद ही रोज़ रह गये हैं। चुनांचे यह ताबीर हुई। थोड़े ही दिन के बाद आपको दुशमनों ने जहर देकर शहीद कर दिया। (तारीखुल-खुलफा सफा १३४)

सबक हज़रत इमाम हसन रज़ियल्लाहु तआला अन्हु के दुशमनों के जुल्म से जामे शहादत नोश फरमाया। आपकी शहादत की तरफ इशारा पहले ही ख़्वाब में हो गया था।