The Miracles of the Nabi Pakﷺ – part 17

The story of the camel which fled:

Imâm Ahmad narrated on the authority of Jâbir Ibn ‘Abdullâh who said: “We returned from one of our journeys with the Prophet ﷺ until we reached a garden, which belongs to Bânî an-Najjâr. When we tried to enter the garden, there was a camel. No one enters the garden except that the camel attacks him. When the people mentioned this to the Prophet ﷺ he went inside the garden and called the camel who came putting his snout on the ground, until he knelt down in front of the Prophet. The Prophet ﷺ then said: “Bring me a halter “, thereupon he tied him up and gave him back to his owner. The Prophet ﷺ then turned to the people and said: “There is nothing which exists in between the heaven and the earth, except that it knows that I am the Messenger of Allâhﷺ , except for those disobedient among the Jinn and mankind”.

The story of the camel which wept and complained to the Prophetﷺ

Imâm Abû Dawûd narrated on the authority of ‘Abdullâh Ibn Ja’far who said: “One day I was riding behind the Prophet,ﷺ and he told me secretly about a matter, which I should not mention to anybody at all. What the Messenger of Allâhﷺ liked most to hide behind (while relieving himself) was an elevated piece of land or a winding group of palm trees. One day, he went inside a garden which belonged to one of the Ansâr and there was a camel ,which upon seeing the Messenger of Allâh ﷺstarted weeping and tears fell from its eyes. The Prophet went to the camel and rubbed his ear, and so the camel became quiet and stopped crying. The Messenger of Allâh ﷺasked “Who is the owner of this camel?” A young man from the Ansâr came and said: “It is mine O Messenger of Alâhﷺ”. The Prophetﷺ then said to him: “Don’t you fear Allâh regarding this dumb animal, which Allâh gave you as your own property? The camel complained to me that you do not give him enough food and that you force him to work until he gets too tired”.