Rays from the life of Imam Hasan bin Ali (AlaihisSalam)-part 7

Ethical Side

Covering this aspect of the character of the grandson of the Prophet [s] by no means signifies a difference among the guiding Imams [a] in this respect, or in any other ingredient of the ideal Islamic character. They are equal in this. We will confine ourselves to presenting some narratives of the Imam’s behaviour with the people. We hope that his morals are the ones which we adopt and follow.His Modesty

It is reported that he once chanced upon some poor men who put a few crumbs of bread on the ground in front of them which they had earlier picked up from the road. They were eating them. They invited him to eat with them. He accepted the invitation and said:

“Certainly Allah does not like the proud.”

Having finished eating with them he invited them to his house. He showered them with money, fed and clothed them.

1. Imam Hasan [a] reportedly passed by some boys who were eating. They invited him to share their food with them. He accepted their invitation, then called them to his house and generously rewarded them.

2. It is reported that he was sitting in some place. When the Imam [a] rose to go, a poor man came in. The Imam [a] greeted him, and spoke kindly to him. “You have come at the time when I was taking leave,” he said to the man. “Do you permit me to go?” “Yes, O son of the Messenger of Allah,” replied the man.



The Prophet (s.a.) had appointed Hazrat Ali (a.s.) as his Wasi with the confidence that he would comply with all his wishes and instructions during his lifetime and thereafter. He would treat them as his bounden duty. Therefore, Hazrat Ali (a.s.) acted as the most responsible and committed executer of the Will of the Prophet of Islam (s.a.). For the last rites of the Prophet (s.a.), in accord with his wish, Hazrat Ali (a.s.) personally gave him the bath and the burial. In addition to these normal duties, he was responsible for fulfilling the promises that the Prophet (s.a.) had made to some people and to clear his outstanding debts. This has also been sited in one of the traditions of the Prophet (s.a.): –Ali (a.s.) will fulfil the promises made to me and will clear my debts.” Hazrat Ali (a.s.) meticulously performed all the tasks and responsibilities that were entrusted to him by the Prophet (s.a.). Abdul Wahed ibne Awan says:

“When the Prophet (s.a.) wisal occur, Ali (a.s.) appointed a herald to announce that whatever promises the Prophet (s.a.) made to the persons or the debts he owed to them, should call on him for settlement. Every year during the Haj he used to send a person to make an announcement near Uqba, the place of sacrifice, about his commitment to honor the promises made to the people by the Prophet (s.a.). After him Imam Hassan (a.s.) followed the practice and so did Imam Hussain (a.s.). Then the practice was discontinued.”

Ref: Tabaqaat ibne Saad, Vol 2, Page 319

Could there be a better example of dedication and fuflfilment of responsibilities than this that during the Haj when people from all over are assembled the announcement was made for fifty years to ensure that the demands of no person remained unattended? For such settlement Hazrat Ali (a.s.) neither made the condition of any written documents nor he asked for any witnesses. Abd Allah ibne Aun says that whatever claims anyone made, Hazrat Ali (a.s.) settled them.