The Miracles of the Nabi Pakﷺ – part 22

The miracle of Tamîm ad-Dârî who pushed away the fire which appeared in al-Harrah (a mountain at the side of Madînah):

Imâm al-Baihaqî related on on the authority of Mu’awiyah Ibn Harmal who said: “Umar came to Tamîm ad-Dârî ³4 and said to him: “Get up to push away this fire”. Tamîm then said: “O Amir alMu’minin (Chief of the believers), and who am I? ‘Umar insisted that he get up and finally he did. They both set off towards the place where the fire was, and I (Ibn Harmal) followed them. When they reached the fire, Tamîm kept on pushing it away with his hands until it entered one of the mountains, and Tamîm went after it. ‘Umar then said: “The one who saw is not like the one who didn’t”. He said it three times.”

The story which Anas told about “al-‘Alâ’ Ibn al-Hadramî”:

Imâm al-Baihaqî related on the authority of Anas who said: “Umar Ibn al-Khattâb prepared an army, which was led by “al-‘Alâ’ Ibn al-Hadramî “. Anas continues, I was in that army, and when we reached the spot we were heading for, we discovered that the enemy had destroyed all the water wells. It was very hot, and so we, and our animals, became extremely thirsty. It was a Friday, and so when the sun started to come down, al-‘Alâ’ gathered us and prayed two Rak’as and then raised his hands (invoking Allâh), but there were no clouds in the sky.hands down than the wind started to blow and clouds gathered and it started to rain until all the roads became flooded with water, and we drank until we quenched our thirst and gave water to our riding animals. Then we encountered our enemy, who had already crossed a small gulf in the sea until they reached an island. Al-‘Alâ’ stood by the gulf and said: “O Allâh, The Exalted, The Most Glorious, The Forbearing, The Most Generous. And then he said: “Cross in the name of Allâh”. Anas continues: “We crossed and the water was so shallow that even the feet of our animals did not get wet. It did not take us too long, before we gained victory over our enemy. We killed some, took others as war captives, and started on our way back. When we reached the gulf on the way back, al-‘Alâ’ repeated what he had first said, and so we crossed again, and the water did not even get the feet of our animals wet.

Anas continues: “It was not too long before he died. So, we dug a grave for him, washed him and buried him. A man then came along, and asked: “Who is that?” We answered him: “He is the best of all people, he is Ibn al-Hadramî. The man then said: “This land rejects the dead bodies, so it would be better if you transfer him to another land, one or two miles away, which does not do so. We replied: “We can not leave our companions to be eaten by wild animals”, and so we re-dug the grave. When we animals”, and so we re-dug the grave. When we reached the spot where he was buried, our companion was was not there, but the grave was glittering with light as far as you can see. So, we put the rubble back into the grave and left.

Rays from the life of Imam Hasan bin Ali (AlaihisSalam)-part 8

His Kindness to the Wrongdoers

1. He once found out that an ewe had a broken leg. He called one of his slaves and asked him: “Who did it?” “I,” the slave answered.


“So as to disconcert you!” the slave retorted. The Imam [a] smiled to him and said: “But I will make you happy.”

He freed him and generously rewarded him. 2. A Syrian, imbued with hatred and spite against the family of the Messenger of Allah [s], by Mu’awiyah bin Abu Sufyan, once saw the Imam on horseback. He at once emitted a series of curses! Imam Hasan [a] did not put in a word of protest or interruption. When the man finished, Imam Hasan [a] approached him with a tender smile. He said to him:

“O old man! I think you are a stranger here. Maybe you mistook me for someone else? If you propitiate us, we will satisfy you. If you ask us, we will give you what you need. If you ask our advice, we will guide you. If you ask us to give you a ride, we will take you with us. If you are hungry, we will satisfy you. If you are naked, we will clothe you. If you are in need, we will make you rich. It you are a refugee, we will give you lodgings. If you have a request, we will grant it. If you join your luggage to ours, and be our guest until the time of your travel, it will be more useful to you, because we have a spacious place, a good social position, and a vast amount of money.”

Upon hearing these words, the Syrian broke into tears. Then he said: “I bear witness that you are the viceroy of Allah on the earth. Allah knows best whom to entrust with His message. You and your father were the most hateful creatures of Allah to me. But now you and your father are the most beloved from among all the creatures of Allah to me.”