The Miracles of the Nabi Pakﷺ – part 20

The wolf who testified that Muhammad ﷺ is the Messenger of Allâh:

Imâm Ahmad related on the authority of Abû Sa’id al-Khudrî who said: “A wolf attacked a sheep and took it away, but the shepherd ran after the wolf and grabbed it from him. The wolf sat down and said: “Don’t you fear Allâh? How could you grab from me a sustenance which Allâh has given me? The Shepherd then said: “How strange! A wolf talking like a man!” The wolf then said to him: “Shall I tell you something which is even stranger? Muhammad ﷺin Madînah is telling people the news of the previous times in history”. The shepherd then came leading his sheep until he entered Madinah, and he left his sheep on one side of Madinah. He then came to the Prophetﷺ and told him about the wolf. The Messenger of Allâhﷺ asked someone to announce among the people that: “A prayer is to be offered in congregation (i.e. to say As-Salatu Jâmi’ah)”. The Prophet ﷺ then came out and said to the shepherd:

“Tell them (what happened with the wolf)”. The shepherd then told the people about what happened with the wolf. The Prophet ﷺthen said: “He is truthful. I swear by Whom my soul is in His hand, the hour (Day of Judgment) will not be established until the wild animals talk to man, and the man is spoken to by the tip of his lash and by his shoelace, and his thigh tells him about what his wife did after he left her “

The Hadîth of the deer which seeks the protection of the Prophetﷺ

Al-Hâfiz Abû Na’îm al-Asbalânî (May Allâh bestow His mercy upon him) related on the authority of Umm Salamah (the wife of the Prophet) who said: “While the Prophet ﷺwas sitting somewhere in the desert, there was a voice calling out to him: “O Messenger of Allâhﷺ! O Messenger of Allâhﷺ!” The Prophetﷺ then turned round, but could not see anybody. The voice then called again, so the Prophetﷺ followed the source of the voice and there was a female gazelle tied up firmly. Beside the gazelle there was a Bedouin wrapped in his garment and sleeping in the sun. The gazelle said to the Prophetﷺ: “This Bedouin caught me and I have two fawns in tha! mountain over there. Could you please untie me so that I could go to suckle them and then come back to my bond. The Prophet ﷺ then said to her: “Would you really come back?” The gazelle then said: “May Allâh torture me with the worst torment if I don’t”. The Prophet ﷺ then untied her, and so she went to suckle her young and then came back. While the Prophet ﷺ was tying her, the Bedouin woke up and said: “O Messenger of Allâh,ﷺ may I ransom you with my mother and father, I caught her earlier. Do you need her?” The Prophet ﷺthen said: “Yes”. The Bedouin then said: “It is yours”. The Messenger of Allâh ﷺuntied her, and she set off running in the desert joyfully, beating the earth with her feet and saying: ‘I testify that there is not God except Allâh and that you are the Messenger of Allâh”ﷺ.

The story of the bird:

Imâm al-Baihaqî related on the authority of Ibn Mas’ûd on the authority of his father who said: “Once we went out on a journey with the Prophet. We passed by a tree and saw two little birds in a nest, and so we took them. The mother of the little birds came to the Prophetﷺ flapping her wings. The Prophetﷺ then said: “Who has grieved this bird by taking away her little ones?” We replied: “We did”. The prophetﷺ thereupon said: “Give them back to her”. We put the little birds back in the nest, but she didn’t come back.

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