The Miracles of the Nabi Pakﷺ – part 11

The Walîmah (wedding meal) of Zainab bint Jahsh:

Imâm Muslim reported on the authority of Anas Ibn Mâlik who said: “Allâh’s Messenger ﷺ contracted a marriage and went to his wife. My mother Umm Sulaim prepared some (food which is made of dates, flour and butter) and placed it in an earthen vessel and said: “Anas, take it to Allâh’s Messenger ﷺ and say: “My mother has sent that to you and she offers greetings to you and says that it is a humble gift for you on our behalf, Messenger of Allâhﷺ”. So, I went along with it to Allâh’s Messengerﷺ and said: “My mother offers you salutations and says that this is a humble gift for you on our behalf”. He said: “Place it here” and then said: “Go and invite on my behalf so and so and anyone whom you meet”, and he even named some persons. He (Anas) said: “I Invited whom he had named and whom I met. I (one of the narrators) said to Anas: “How many (persons) were there? He (Anas) said: “They were about three hundred persons. Then Allâh’s Messengerﷺ (said to me): “Anas, bring that earthen vessel”. They (the guests) then began to enter until the courtyard and the apartment were fully packed. Allâh’s Messengerﷺ said: “Make a circle of ten (guests), and every person should eat from that nearest to him”. They began to eat, until they ate to their fill. A group went out (after eating the food) and another group came in until a lot of them had eaten. He (the Holy Prophetﷺ) said to me: “Anas, lift it (the earthen vessel)”. So, I lifted it, but I could not asses whether it had more (food) when I placed it (before Allâh’s Messengerﷺ) or when I lifted it (after the people had been served out of it)

The story of the bowl in the house of Abû Bakr :

Imâm al-Bukhârî narrated on the authority of ‘Abdur-Rahmân Ibn Abî Bakr who said: “The companions of Suffah were poor people. The Prophetﷺ once said: “Whoever has food enough for two persons, should take a third one (from among them), and whoever has food enough for four persons, should take a fifth or a sixth (or said something similar).” Abû Bakr brought three persons while the Prophetﷺ took ten. And Abû Bakr with his three family members (who were I, my father and my mother) (the sub-narrator is in doubt whether ‘Abdur-Rahmân said, “My wife and my servant who was common for both my house and Abû Bakr’s house”.) Abû Bakr took his supper with the Prophet ﷺand stayed there till he offered the ‘Ishâ (night) prayer. He returned and stayed till Allâh’s Messengerﷺ took his supper. After a part of the night had passed, he returned to his house. His wife said to him, “What has detained you from your guests?” He said: “Have you served supper to them?” She said, “They refused (to take supper) until you come. They (i.e. some members of the household) presented the meal to them but they refused (to eat)”. I went to hide myself and he said: “O Ghunthar!³1″ He invoked Allâh to cause my ears to be cut and he rebuked me. He said: Do eat!” and added, “I will never eat that meal”. By Allâh whenever we took a handful of the meal, the meal grew from underneath more than that handful till everybody ate to his satisfaction; yet the remaining food was more than the original meal. Abû Bakr saw the food was as much as or more than the original amount. He called his wife, “O sister of banî Firâs!” She said: “O pleasure of my eyes. The food has been tripled in quantity.” Abû Bakr then started eating thereof and said: “It (i.e. my oath not to eat) was because of the Shaitân.” He took a handful from it. and carried the rest of it to the Prophetﷺ so tha food was with the Prophet. There was a trea between us and some people, and when the period of that treaty had elapsed, he divided us into twelve groups, each headed by a man. Allâh knows How many men were under the command of each leader Anyhow, the Prophetﷺ surely sent a leader with each group. Then all of them ate of that meal “

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