Once, Our Saint said that the definition of politeness is expressed in different words but the best quality is of one who behaves with the people politely and is a sincere honest believer of God. If the aim of one is to cultivate polite temper, we should greet the other person first, if he proceeds in greeting, return his salutation with warm feelings. To cultivate the feeling of humility is also called politeness. If anyone praises, he thank God. It anyone censures wrongly never entertain enmity against him.

Once, Maqdoom Shah Warisi Daryabadi said to our Saint, “I remember your instructions not to keep anything for the morrow. This time the crops are so plentiful and the ryots gave me so much that it is nearly three maunds so I am perplexed what to do” Our Saint said, “The Sustainer (one of the attributes of God) has provided your daily bread to you. Similarly keep your requirements, distribute the remaining to the needy in the evening in the name of God’. The Benefactor would provide you, your daily bread whenever you require”.

A person wearing a dress of a Saint met Sarkar Waris at Dewa Shereef. He was received with great respect and after a brief conversation was asked to go but requested some instant benefits for this and Hereafter life. In reply Our Saint said that it is evident that humility is a laudable quality and good for everyone but more beneficial to rich people’s ruin religious and worldly.

With reference to a mendicant, once a person asked his Hakim what are the good things, which do not excite malice of others, and what are bad things. Humility is a laudable quality and haughtiness is evil. It is incumbent on a Fakir to see the land and not to leek up at the sky.