Muhammad Ibn Umar informed us; he said: Ya'qub lbn Muhammad al￾Zafari related to me on the authority ofAsim lbn Umar Ibn Qatadah, he on the authority ofAbd al-Rahman lbn Jábir, he on the authority of
his father; he said:
I saw Yuhannah Ibn Rubah on the day he came to the Prophet, may
Allah bless him. He had a cross of gold fastened to his forehead. When he
saw the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, he covered it and nodded
his head. The Prophet, may Allah bless him, signalled him to raise his
head and made peace with him the same day. The Apostle of Allah, may
Allah bless him, covered him with a Yamanite sheet and ordered him to
stay with Bilal. He said: I saw Ukaydir when Khàlid brought him; he had
a cross of gold and he had put on a silken garment.
He (Ibn Sad) said: Here the narration is connected with the previous one. Muhammad lbn 'Umar said: I copied the epistle regarding the people of Adhruh. It was this: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. This is the epistle from Muhammad the Prophet to the people of Adhruh. They are safe under the protection of Allah and Muhammad and that in every Rajab they will pay one hundred dinars pure and of full weight. Allah will reward them for their kindness to Muslims. If a Muslim takes refuge with them for fear of punishment at the time when they fear the Muslims, Allah will be a surety for them. They will be safe till Muhammad sends a word before his emergence with the intention of fighting. He (Ibn Sad) said: The Apostle of Allah, may
Allah bless him, imposed three hundred dinars per annum on the people
of Aylah; and they were three hundred persons.
He (Ibn Sad) said: The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, wrote to the people of Jarbá and Adhrun: This is an epistle from Muhammad, the Prophet, to the people of Jarba and Adhruh; they are safe under the protection of Allah and the protection of Muhammad and that they have to pay one hundred dinars, pure and of full weight every Rajab [P. 38], and Allah is their surety. He (Ibn Sad) said: The Apostle of Allah may Allah bless him, wrote
to the people of Maqna that they were safe under the custody of Allah
and the custody of Muhammad and that would be one-fourth of the spun
(thread) and one-fourth of their fruits as dues from them.



Our Saint clearly taught the fundamental articles of faith and social manners. Once a devotee at Aligarh Station humbly told Our Saint, “You are our present Guide, show us the way to achieve salvation”. Our Saint in reply said “You are a Muslim. Your salvation is in the way you repeat the Islamic creed (Kalima) sincerely-“There is not God save Allah and Mohammad is his messenger. If you repeat this sincerely you will be entitled to enter heaven.”

Once Pandit Ghulam Rasool Shah Saheb in an interview with Our Saint said, “you have turned this sinner from a polytheist to an Unitarian (person believing in the unity of God). Still I am unaware of the truth about the unity of God. I am desirous of hearing from your mouth. So that I may understand it better.”

Our Saint said, “Panditji the external and renowned meaning of unity is of express, God is one and understand him as one, which is the condition for belief. When this confirmed, the other meaning of unity is to see God as one. This is the stage of mystics. Therefore this meaning regarding God is revealed to the heart of the Unitarian and he sees with his eyes Divine manifestation in everything.” Panditji requested that as a novice how should he reach that higher level? The Saint said, “Concentrate on one being. Whatever occurs or secretly, think God as a cause for it.”

A Maulvi Sahib attired in Punjabi dress, a resident of Rawalpindi came Dewa Sheriff and said, “From three years I am restless to know the attribute dignity and proof of the one unitary God.” Our Saint explained that addition to other attributes the special quality of oneness of God is that it is not subject to change and is proof positive of him being the Absolute Creator, but there are changes in the condition of creatures which is a corollary of mortal being.’ Hayat-e-Waris

A devotee mentioned to Sarkar Waris that he went to Ajmer Shereef on some personal work and remained there for two weeks. But the work for which he went was not accomplished besides he lost his clothes trunk which was in the hotel. Our Saint enquired whether he went to Khwaja Sahib’s Shrine for greeting. The devotee replied that he had no time to visit the shrine. Then Our Saint said that this was the punishment for his un-mannerliness. “It is customary when you spend a night at any place where there is a Shrine you must pay a visit”.

Once an aged Maulvi paid a visit to Our Saint and out of affection he embraced him. After a brief talk he sent him with great respect. After his departure one of the devotees told the other, “I know this Maulvi, he is a great cheat and says that a jinn (spirit) is under his control”. Sarkar Waris humorously replied, “Why do you utter bad words and spoil your tongue”. You have only referred to his ordinary defect but disregarded his obvious skill. You have not given credit to his noble culture, sacred face and saintly bread which resembles the behaviour of Islam’s dignified leaders. To hide in the heart unbecoming ills under the guise of pious persons way of life, is not a commendable act but at times it so happens that in imitating the good people, in addition to worldly gains, impaired religious works are also accomplished. For e.g. Jester to please his master the Pharoah would mimic the Prophet Moses, wearing the same kind of dress holding a similar staff would come daily to the royal court and deliver sermons in the same style of Kaleemulla (God’s interlocutor-title of Prophet Moses). On the day of his death benevolent God instructed his devoted mendicant to attend the funeral rites of one of his friends. The mendicant had made his abode on a mountain, leading a life of a recluse and awaiting to witness the Divine lustre from a long time. Accordingly he visited the place and learnt that the Pharoah’s Jester was dead. He was profoundly shocked on learning that it was the very same Jester who used to mimic the Holy Prophet Moses. Since it was the command of God he joined the funeral rites and returned. Revealing the identity of the deceased he wanted to know on what grounds the jester was included in the list of God’s friends names. A voice from above answered. “Undoubtedly the person was culpable of impiety and sinful as he imitated the dress of Moses. For this, we have respected the dress of our interlocutor and accorded the privilege of making him one of our friends.”

A person came to Our Saint to become his disciple discarding the oath of loyalty to his previous spiritual leader. Our Saint enquired the reason for this and was informed that he had not derived any benefit from his own Saint. Sarkar Waris declared it was not the Saint’s mistake for it is the disciple’s duty to obtain it from his spiritual guide. He was advised to return to his spiritual leader, state his desire and may obtain if he was lucky.

Similarly another person desired to become Our Saint’s disciple, when asked if he was the disciple of any spiritual leader he confirmed that he was the disciple of Miran Mohammad Shah Sahib but at the same time was keen also to become Our Saint’s disciple. He was told, “Just as a woman’s marriage with two persons is prohibited, similarly a disciple pledging loyalty to two sheikhs is harmful.”

One ferry is safe to reach the shore. If one leg is kept in one boat and the other leg in the second boat to cross the river there is a possibility of sinking both. Go back and you may achieve your desire of seeing the Divine Brilliance.”

An old devotee of Our Saint fully conversant of the Warisi way of life requested for a mendicant’s dress which was granted. One of the servants pleaded in consideration of his age to set a light exercise to invoke Gods name repeatedly (Zikr). Our Saint agreed to prescribe a light devotional exercise and said, “Sheikhji make truth and deeds of virtue as your provision for your Hereafter life. Take the name of God, whatever you do, for instance, while taking food, sleeping awaking. Except God, be selfless. For example Safyan Sory wore a reversed Shirt for morning prayer. People brought this to his notice to wear it rightly. But his reply was that he had worn it for god’s work. There was no necessity to set it right.”

Our Saint once in a serious tone said, “It is folly to blame some saying of our companions which reflect their true affairs.” Our Saint also said “Generally due to hearts incidental activity a dignified mendicant’s behaviour will be often changing. But their true courtesy remains firm, Just as their lofty status increases so also they became courteous. Those well known for their courtesy follow the traditions of our Prophet. Even if they commit a mistake knowingly the mystics look at them with contempt.” It is said Bayazeed Bastami learnt that people of a certain place regarded a mendicant as a Saint. When he went to see him, he saw the mendicant going towards the mosque spitting on the way in the direction of the Kaaba. Seeing this he returned saying that he was not trustworthy and reliable person of Prophet’s tradition, hence could not be entitled to the qualities of a Saint.

Naad e Ali Kya hai?

Naad-e-Ali – A brief history
Ali ibn Abi Talib is the universal hero of Islam. The first Muslim, the fourth of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, and the spiritual master of all Sufis, the special status of Imam Ali is best represented by the story of Khaybar.

The story begins that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) laid siege to the fort of Khaybar near Medina but the walls were so well-fortified that the army could not break through. The angel Gabriel came to the Prophet Muhammad and told him to recite the naad-e Ali:

Nade Ali, Nade Ali, Nade Ali
Nade Aliyyan mazhar al-ajaib
Tajidahu awnan lakafin-nawaib
Kullu hammin wa ghammin sayanjAli
Bi wilayatika Ya Ali! Ya Ali! Ya Ali!

Call Ali, call Ali, call Ali,
the manifestation of marvels
He will be your helper in difficulty
Every anxiety and sorrow will end
Through your friendship.
O Ali, O Ali, O Ali

And Hazrat Ali came to the Prophet’s aid, in an act of heroism commemorated in the lines of a Sufi qawwali:

The walls shake; the doors quake. Now all of Khaybar trembles hearing the name of Ali.

کبھی دیوار ہلتی ہے کبھی در کانپ جاتا ہے
علی کا نام سن کر اب بھی خیبر کانپ جاتا ہے

Ali came and tore down the gate of the fort, and the army of the Prophet crossed over and successfully ended the siege.
When victory was achieved, the angel Gabriel appeared to Prophet Muhammad again and said to him:

There is no hero but Ali; there is no sword but Zulfiqar

لَا فَتٰی اِلَّا عَلِی لَا سَیْفَ اِلَّا ذُوالْفِقَار

The above tribute to Ali is universally accepted by Sunni, Shia and Sufi Muslims

1. It is narrated that when many Muslims disobeyed the Prophet (SAWA) in the battle of Uhud and the disbelievers attacked them from the backside of the mountain, and many Muslims ran away from the battlefield, the Prophet (SAWA) was told by Jabrael to call Ali (Nad-e-Ali). This Du’a of Nad-e-Ali was mentioned in Sunni books as well as Shia books.

2. Among Sunni books which mentioned it is Mawsoo’at Atraaf Al-Hadeeth Al-Nabawi Al-Shareef by Muhammad Al-Sa’eed Basyoni , Volume 10, page 3.

And Al -Maibudi who is a Sunni Shafi’ee scholar in his book Sharh Diwan Ameer Al-Mo’mineen, page 434.

3. Among Shia great scholars who mentioned it are:

1. Al-Shahhed Al-Awwal in his own handwriting which was seen by Al-Kaf’ami. 2. Ebraheem Al-Kaf’ami in his book Al-Misbah , page 183.

3. Al-Muhaddith Al-Nouri in Musradrak Al-Wasaa’il, volume 15, page 483.

4. Al-Allama Al-Majlisi, in Biharul Anwar, volume 20,p age 73.

5. Muhammad Taqi Sipehr in Naasikh Al-Tawaareekh, volume 1, page 355.

6. Al-Muhaddithi in his book Waqi’at Al-Ghadeer Al-Ghadeer, page 536.

7. al-Dozdozani Tabreezi in his Estiftaa’aat, page 22.

8. al-Mar’ashi Al-Najafi in Sharh Ehqaq Al-Haq, volume 31, page 219.

and many other scholars.