Ali AlaihisSalam the Super man part 16 Ali AlaihisSalam and The Ghazawats

The Massacre of the Banu Khuz’a

With all the tribes in and around Medina now in awe of the Muslims, the Holy Prophet might have hoped for a peaceful year to come, but the Meccans had no intention of keeping to the terms of the treaty of Hudaybiyah. As the first year of the treaty drew to a close the Meccan Quraish violated it in a most ruthless. manner. At their direct instigation the tribe of the Banu Bakr invaded and pillaged the territory of the Banu Khuz’za, who had recently entered into an alliance with Muhammad ﷺ. Those of the Banu Khuz’za who had escaped the massacre fled to Medina and sought Muhammad ﷺ help and a redress of their grie- vance The Holy Prophet came to the conclusion that the time to put an end to the reign of iniquity and oppression that prevailed at Mecca was long overdue. Forthwith he ordered an army of ten thousand to get ready to take the field against the Meccans. It was at this juncture that Abu Sufyan, the governor of Mecca, realising the gravity of the danger that lay ahead, came to Medina and Sought the Prophet’s forgiveness, but in vain.

Nabi Pakﷺ (may peace be upon him) Leads the Army to Mecca.

Once more Muhammad ﷺ took the road to Mecca. but this time it was at the head of a fully-equipped army, ten thousand strong. Halfway between Medina and Mecca, the Holy Prophet met his uncle, Abbas, who was in the process of emigrating to Medina with his family. Then and there they professed Islam and, as they entered the fold, the Holy Prophet remarked, “You are the last of the “Emigrants” as I am last of the Prophets”. Abbas then accompanied the Prophet back to Mecca.

The Muslim army continued its unopposed march to Man Azzahran, within sight of Mecca. Here they were ordered to make camp and to wait developments and here Muhammad ﷺ received a visit from Abu Sufyan for the second time. Realising that Islam could no longer be prevented from spreading, the wily leader of the Meccans sought to save his skin by a profession of faith. “His conversion to Islam” according to tradition “was lukewarm” and undertaken from purely secular motives of self-aggrandisement. When asked if he believed in the Apostleship of Muhammad ﷺ, he replied, “I still have grave doubts,” which is why the some Sources call Abu Sufyan, the Judas Iscariot of Islam, a believer by lip service only, one who adopted the faith from policy rather than from conviction.

The Bloodless Occupation of Mecca.

1 “In the meanwnile” says Col. Bodley, “Muhammad ﷺ had dressed and armed himself as if for battle.. Wearing a scarlet tunic, over which gleamed his cuirass, he had on his head a spiked helmet around which was bound his black turban. Except for his sword lie was unarmed. Mounting on al-Quswa, which knelt before his tent, he rode out to review his troops. Before the

1. Col. R.V.C. Bodley-The Messager- p. 251.

march past began, he handed to Ali the great banner which he had already carried so bravely at Khyber. In spite of Abu Sufyan’s declaration of faith, Muhammad ﷺ did not trust him any more than at the time of Uhud. He consequently did not expose his army to any surprise move on the part of the Meccans. In fact he caused his forces to surround the city and enter from four different points.

From the south Khalid led the cavalry of the allied Bedouine tribes: from the north came another group of nomads, these on camels, under az-Zubair, from the west the Medinites under Sa’d ibn Obayda and from the cast Abu Ubaydah at the head of the veteran re- fugees. Behind this last contingent rode Muhammad ﷺ with his staff, supported by Ali in command of the black armoured lancers which had so impressed Abu Sufyan.”

The regiments and battalions moved off as ordered and entered the city. Except for a slight skirmish with Khalid ibn Walid in which 2 Muslims and 28 Meccans were killed, the occupation of Mecca was bloodless.. Muhammad ﷺ took up his stand on a raised mound a little below the cemetery where Khadija and Abu Talib were buried. From here he could watch the progress of operations and here he remained until the occupation of the city was complete.

The Great Purge

Muhammad ﷺ now changed his uniform for the scam- less dress of a pilgrim. Accompanied by Ali he rode to the Kab’ah, entered it and began what is known as the Great Purge. In this puritannical mission Ali was the Holy Prophet’s right hand man, zealously assisting him in his task of breaking the idols and sharing with him a passionate desire to eradicate all the traces of idolatry and ancient practices that were desecrating “the House of God”.

The Meccans looked on aghast while the Holy Prophet, with a stroke of stick held in his hand, broke
the idols which lay in the lower cavities of the walls.. Above the uproar which the shattering of idols brought, the Holy Prophet’s voice could be heard reciting the Quranic verse of the XVII Sura, “Truth is come and falsehood is vanished. Verily falsehood is a thing which is bound to disappear.” To break those idols which were placed higher up, out of reach of either hand or stick, (in particular the idol most treasured by the Meccans, that of Hubal, their famous god of war), the Holy Prophet solicited the help of Ali. “Ascend on my shoulders and then shatter with this stick all the idols which are placed up above”, said the Apostle of God. Thinking it an impertinence to get up on the Holy Prophet’s shoulders, Ali hesitated for a moment. “Do as you are told” reiterated the voice of the master. Ali then got up on the Holy Prophet’s shoulders and completed the Great Purge. He threw down all the idols, relics of “the Age of Ignorance”, and then jumped from the shoulders of his master.

The  traditions somewhat exaggerate the significance of Ali’s role in the Great Purge, asserting that while standing on the shoulders of the Holy Prophet, Ali’s feet were covering the marks of the seal of Prophethood which God had stamped on them. Thus in the performance of a divine duty Ali was sharing the burden of a divinely ordained Apostolate. They narrate that when Ali had jumped from the shoulders of Muhammad ﷺ (may peace be upon him) to the ground, he smiled, and being asked what was the cause of it replied to the Holy Prophet,” I descended from this great height and yet I received no hurt.” The Holy Prophet then said, “How could you receive any hurt when the one who ordered you to ascend was the last of the Prophets, and the one who ordered you to descend was no less a person than the angel Gabriel?” An- other tradition says that after the performance of the great purge, when Ali descended from the Holy Pro– phet’s shoulders, the later asked “How did you fare when you were mounting my shoulders”? To this Ali replied, “While there I found that my hand reached to a height as high as Heaven, and that I could remove whatever I wanted with ease.” The Holy Prophet replied, “O Ali! I congratulate you on performing a divine duty, and lucky I am indeed that I held the divine burden on my shoulders.” In short these traditions make out that the Holy Prophet’s order to Ali to ascend his shoulders was nothing short of a divine revelation which was expressly meant to signify that Ali was co-sharer in this divinely ordained affair.

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