The Miracles of the Nabi Pakﷺ – part 54

64. The Messenger of Allah’s city, al-Madinah, is guaranteed protection from plague and the Dajjal.

Sayyidina Abu Hurayra reports that the Beloved Messenger of Allah said, “There are angels guarding the entrances (or roads) of Madinah; neither plague nor Dajjal will be able to enter it.” [Bukhari] ●

65. The dates of his blessed city of al-Madinah provide protection from poison and Witchcraft.

• Sayyidina Saud narrated that the Beloved Messenger said, “If somebody takes some Ajwa dates every morning, he will not be affected by poison or magic on that day till night.” (Another narrator said seven dates). [Bukhari]

66. Invoking blessings and salutations upon him blesses a person with Allah’s forgiveness, and the fulfilment of needs.

• In a narration from Sayyidina Ubayy b. Kaab: Sayyidina Ubayy b. Kaab said, “O Messenger of Allah, what if I make my entire prayer devoted exclusively to sending salutations and blessings upon you? The Messenger of Allah replied, “In that case, all of your needs will be fulfilled by Allah and your sins shall be forgiven.” [Tirmidhi]

67. One hundred and thirty Companions were fully fed with four handfuls of dough and a small amount of goat’s meat.

Sayyidina Abd al-Rahman, the son of Sayyidina Abu Bakr al-Siddiq relates: “We, one hundred and thirty Companions, were with the Noble Messenger of Allah on an expedition. Dough was prepared to the amount of about four handfuls, a goat was slaughtered and cooked, and its liver and kidneys were roasted. I swear by Allah that from that roasted meat [liver and kidneys], the Messenger of Allah gave a small piece to each person, and put the cooked meat into two large bowls. After we had all eaten until we were full, there was still some left over, which I loaded onto a camel.” [Bukhari; Muslim; Musnad Imam Ahmad; al-Fath al-Rabbani]

68. When the Messenger of Allah and Sayyidina Siddiq-e-Akbar were travelling to Madinah for migration, a shepherd saw them. He went to inform the Quraysh but then his memory failed him.

• During migration to Madinah, when a shepherd saw Allah’s Messenger and Sayyidina Abu Bakr. He immediately went to Makkah in order to inform the Quraysh, but when he arrived there, he forgot what he had come for. Tried as he might, he could not remember his intention, so he had to turn back. [Qadi Iyad, al-Shifa, 1:351; Mulla Ali al-Qari, Sharh al-Shifa]

69. His arrival was awaited by the wisest people of their times; they knew he was the Chosen Messenger of Allah.

Before the Prophet was sent, a knowledgeable person named Asqalani’l-Himyari would ask the people of Quraysh whenever he saw them: “Is there anyone who claims Prophethood among you?” and the people of Quraysh would say “No.” Later, after the duty of Prophethood was assigned to the Messenger of Allah, Asqalani’l-Himyari asked again and they replied, “Yes, someone is claiming Prophethood.” Asqalani said: “Behold, ●the world has been expecting him.” [Qadi Iyaad, al-Shifa; Mulla Ali al-Qari, Sharh alShifa; Imam Nabhani, Hujjatullah ala’l-Alameen]

70. Though his height was generally of medium stature, he was seen taller than anyone standing near him.

Sayyidina Anas b. Malik reports, “The Messenger of Allah was neither tall nor was he short…” In one hadith, it is mentioned that when the Messenger of Allah used to stand up in a group, he appeared to be the tallest among them. This was not due to his height, but was a result of a Miracle. In the manner that no one had reached a higher status than the Messenger of Allah super-intellectual status, likewise in the outward appearance, none could excel him. [from Shama’il Tirmidhi; chapter on Noble Features of the Messenger of Allah]

71. Evidence of his journey to Jerusalem, al-Israa, was confirmed by the Patriarch of Jerusalem in the court of Caesar.

• It is reported that Sayyidina Abu Sufyan said, about his meeting with Caesar before he embraced Islam: “By Allah, nothing stopped me from saying something to Caesar to make him despise Muhammad, but the fact that I did not want to tell a lie that would later

be found out, and he would never believe me again after that. Then I told him about the night on which he was taken on the Night Journey. I said: “O King, shall I not tell you of something from which you will know that he is lying?” He said, “What is it?” I said: “He claims that he went out of our land, the land of al-Haram, in one night, and came to your sanctuary in Jerusalem, then came back to us the same night, before morning came.” The Patriarch of Jerusalem was there, standing next to Caesar. The Patriarch of Jerusalem said, “I know that night.” Caesar looked at him and said, “How do you know about this?” He said, “I never used to sleep at night until I closed the doors of the sanctuary. On that night, I closed all the doors except for one, which I could not manage to close. I asked my workers and others who were with me to help me deal with it, but we could not move it. It was like trying to move a mountain. So I called the carpenters, and they looked at it and said: the lintel and some part of the structure have fallen onto it. We cannot move it until morning, when we will be able to see what the problem is. So I went back and left those two doors open. The next morning I went back, and saw that the stone at the corner of the sanctuary had a hole in it, and there were traces of an animal having been tethered there. I said to my companions, ‘This door has not been closed last night except for a Prophet, who prayed last night in our sanctuary.” [Tafsir ibn Kathir; Surah 17]

72. The Messenger of Allah was greeted by a specific stone in Makkah which he always recognised after that.

● Sayyidina Jabir b. Samura reported that Allah’s Messenger said, “I recognise the stone in Makkah which used to pay me salutations before my advent as a Prophet, and I recognise that even now.” [Muslim]

73. The butter of Sayyida Umm Malik never ran out from the container she would send to the Messenger of Allah.

Sayyidina Jabir reported that Sayyida Umm Malik used to send clarified butter in a small skin to the Messenger of Allah. Her sons would come to her and ask for seasoning when they had nothing with them (in the form of condiments), and she would go to that skin in which she offered clarified butter to Allah’s Messenger. She would find clarified butter in that and it kept providing her with seasoning for her household until she had completely squeezed it. She came to Allah’s Messenger (and informed him about it). Thereupon, he said, “Did you squeeze it?” She said, “Yes.” Thereupon he said, “If you had left it in that very state, it would have kept on providing you (with clarified butter) on end.” [Muslim]