The Miracles of the Nabi Pakﷺ – part 49

12. As a baby in the cradle, the Beloved Prophet ﷺ would move the moon with his blessed finger and would converse with it.

• The Prophet’s ﷺ uncle, Sayyidina Abbas, said, “O Messenger of Allah,ﷺ what made me enter into your religion was my witnessing a sign of your Prophethood. I saw you in your cradle talking tenderly to the moon and pointing at it with your finger. It moved across the sky to wherever you pointed.” The Beloved Messenger replied, “I was talking to it, and it talked to me, which distracted me from crying. I could hear the sound of its prostration under the Throne.” [Imam al-Qastalani’s Mawahib al Ladunya; Imam Suyuti’s Khasa’is al-Kubra]

13. He increased blessing in food to the extent that a piece of bread once fed seventy to eighty Companions to their fill.

Sayyidina Anas b. Malik narrates: Abu Talha said, “O Umm Sulaym, here comes the Messenger of Allah ﷺalong with the people and we do not have enough (food) to feed them.” She said, “Allah and His Messengerﷺ know better.” Abu Talhah went out (to receive him) until he met Messenger of Allah, and he came forward along with him until they both arrived. Then the Messenger of Allah said, “O Umm Sulaym, bring forth what you have with you.” So she brought the bread. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ commanded that the bread be broken into small pieces and after Umm Sulaym had squeezed clarified butter out of a butter container and made it just like soup. Messenger of Allah ﷺrecited over it what Allah wished him to recite. He then said, “Allow ten guests to come in.” They ate until they had their fill. They then went out. He (Messenger of Allah) again said, “Allow ten (more to come in)”, and he (the host) ushered them in. They ate to their fill. Then they went out. He again said, “Allow ten (more),” until all the people ate to their fill. They were seventy or eighty persons.” [Bukhari; Muslim]

14. He remained unseen when the accursed wife of Abu Lahab approached him and Sayyidina Abu Bakr at the Ka’bah.

• When Surah al-Masad was revealed, the one-eyed wife of Abu Jahl came out wailing and she had a stone in her hand. The Messenger of Allahﷺ was sitting in the Masjid (of the Ka’bah) and Sayyidina Abu Bakr was with him. When Sayyidina Abu Bakr saw her, he said, “O Messenger of Allah!ﷺ She is coming and I fear that she will see you.” The Messenger of Allahﷺ replied, “Verily, she will not see me.” Then he recited some of the Qur’an as a protection for himself.. So she advanced until she was standing in front of Sayyidina Abu Bakr and she did not see the Messenger of Allahﷺ. She then said, “O Abu Bakr! Verily, I have been informed that your friend is making defamatory poetry about me.” [Tafsir ibn Kathir]

15. Water from his blessed fingers: On the day of Hudaibiya, the Muslims came upon a water shortage. The only water available was the amount that the Beloved Messenger had with him. He simply dipped his blessed hands into the water, and as witnessed by 1500 Companions, it began to flow in abundance from his blessed fingers. • As narrated Sayyidina Salim, Sayyidina Jabir states, “On the day of Al-Hudaibiya, the people felt thirsty and Allah’s Apostle had a utensil containing water. He performed ablution from it and then the people came towards him. Allah’s Apostle said, ‘What is wrong with you?’ The people said, ‘O Allah’s Apostle! We haven’t got any water to perform ablution with or to drink, except what you have in your utensil.’ So the Prophet ﷺput his hand in the utensil and the water started spouting out between his fingers like springs. So we drank and performed ablution.”

I said to Jabir, “What was your number on that day?” He replied, ‘Even if we had been one hundred thousand, that water would have been sufficient for us. Anyhow, we were 1500.” [Bukhari]

16. His authority over the Arabian Peninsula, with Muslims living in peace and security. • “Allah has promised those among you who believe and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession in the land, as He granted it to those before them..” [Qur’an 24:55]

• Tafsir ibn Kathir relates: This is a promise from Allah to His Messengerﷺ that He would cause his Ummah to become successors on earth i.e., they would become the leaders and rulers of mankind, through whom He would reform the world and to whom people would submit, so that they would have in exchange a safe security after their fear. This is what Allah did indeed do, may He be glorified and exalted, and to Him be praise and blessings. For He did not cause His Messenger to die until He had given him victory over Makkah, Khaybar, Bahrain, all of the Arabian Peninsula and Yemen (…). Then when the Messenger died, his successor (Khalifah) Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq took over the reins of power and united the Ummah, preventing its disintegration. He took control of the entire Arabian Peninsula, and he sent the Islamic armies to the land of Persia…”

17. Tree-trunk cries for his blessed presence: The tree-trunk which the Beloved Messengerﷺ would lean on to deliver the Friday sermon cried when it was replaced with a proper pulpit.

• Narrated Sayyidina Jabir bin ‘Abdullah: “The Prophet used to stand by the stem of a date-palm tree (while delivering a sermon). When the pulpit was placed for him, we heard that stem crying like a pregnant she-camel till the Prophet got down from the pulpit and placed his hand over it.” [Bukhari]

18. The Qur’an informs with a prophecy of the Holy Prophet’s ﷺdeparture from this world. • Tafsir ibn Kathir relates that when Surah al-Nasr [110] was revealed, the Messenger of Allah ﷺsaid, “My death has been announced to me.” And indeed, he died during that year. May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him.

19. His illiteracy which proved to the unbelievers that he did not write the Qur’an. “Neither did you read any book before it nor did you write any book with your right hand. In that case, indeed, the followers of falsehood might have doubted.” [Qur’an

29:48] • Tafsir ibn Kathir elaborates on the verse above: ‘During this time you never read any book or wrote anything. Your people, as well as others all know that you are an unlettered man who does not read or write.’ This is how he (the Beloved Messenger) was also described in the previous Scriptures…”