Hazrat Imam Ali Naqi AlaihisSalam part 2

To recover the Caliph Mutawakkil from the sickness

Once, the Caliph Mutawakkil was down with some sickness. A big blister emerged on his skin. The doctors washed their hands of the remedy. The caliph was waiting for death. Once, Fateh-bin-Khaqa’an, a person in the vicinity of the caliph, told him, “Send someone to Hazrat Hadik. He may perhaps, give some remedy for this.” A person was sent to him, and he said, “Keep (he named a particular thing) on the blister. By the grace of Allah, the Almighty, (Insha Allaah), it will prove to be beneficial.” When the recommended thing was given to Mutawakkil, the people present there made fun of it. Fatch-bin-Khaqaan said. “What is wrong in giving one trial? Please bring the thing.” The servants brought the medicine and kept it on the blister. As soon as the medicine was applied, the blister started oozing, and there was recovery. When Mutawakkil’s mother came to know about the recovery, she was very happy. Immediately, she brought ten thousand Dirhams, stamped them with her name and sent them to Hazrat Hadi as a present.

After recovering from the sickness, someone complained Mutawakkil that Hazrat Hadi owned ample wealth and weapons. He told his servant, Saeed. “Go and search in Hazrat Hadi’s house between 2 am and 3 am in the night, seize whatever wealth is found and bring that to him.” Saeed said. “I went there through a ladder and entered into the house. There was complete darkness in the house. I could neither see anything nor could find out my way further in the house. All of a sudden, a voice came. ‘O’ Saeed! Be where you are, I am coming there with a lamp.’ After some time, a lamp was brought there. I went down to him and saw that he had put on silken clothes, a woollen cap on head and, was sitting on the prayer-carpet facing Qibla. He said, ‘Whatever I have is known to you.` I went into the house here and there but could not find anything as was told, except the gift sent by Mutawakkil’s mother with her seal. There were other things also which, bore proper stamps. Then he said, ‘You can take this prayer-carpet also. When I lifted the carpet, beneath it, I saw a sword in the sheath. I took all the things to Mutawakkil. When he saw the gifts with his mother’s stamp, he could understand the whole situation. The people present there, said. These are the present given by your mother on your recovery as had been promised on oath by her.’ ▸

Mutawakkil said, “Take another gift just like this and present that to him.”An officer Saeed describes, “When I went to him with the things to be presented, I was very much ashamed. I requested, ‘My master, it was very difficult for me to enter your holy house without your permission. But I Then Imam said, ‘They will was helpless as I was ordered to do so. come to know that a change is going to take place.

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