The Deputation of al-Nakha
Volume 1, Parts II.74.79
He (Ibn Sa’d) said: Hisham Ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Sa’id al-Kalbi
informed us on the authority of his father, he on the authority of the
elders of al-Nakha; they said:
The tribe of al-Nakha’ sent two men as members of the deputations to the
Prophet to convey the news of their (conversion to) Islam. They were
Artat Ibn Sharahil Ibn Kab, a member of Banu Harithah Ibn Sa'd Ibn Malik Ibn al-Nakha', and al-Juhaysh whose name was al-Arqam, a member of Banu Bakr IbnAwf Ibn al-Nakha’, They set out till they
reached the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him. He (Prophet) invited
them to embrace Islam. They responded and offered bay’ah on behalf of
their people. Their decorum and dignity pleased the Apostle of Allah. He
said: Are there people like you in your tribe? They said: We have left
behind us seventy persons and all of them are superior to us. They all
decide the affairs and decisions about them are enforced. The Apostle of
Allah, may Allah bless him, prayred for them and their people. He said: 0
Allah! bless the Banu al-Nakha. He prepared a flag for Artat i.e. appointed him chief over his people. This flag was in his hand on the day of the Victory (of Makkah). He was present at al-Qadisiyyah with it and was slain there. Then his brother Durayd raised it and he was also slain. May Allah show them mercy. Then Sayf Ibn al-Harith, a member of Ibn Sa'd's Banu Jadhimah took it and entered al-Kufah with it.

Volume 1, Parts II.74.80 He (Ibn Sad) said: Muhammad Ibn ‘Umar al-Asiami informed us; he
said:The last of the deputations that waited on the Apostle of Allah, was that
of Al-Nakha’. They came from al-Yaman in the middle of Muharram in
the eleventh year. They were two hundred persons and stayed in the
house of Ramlah Bint al-Harith. Then they came, admitting their
(conversion to) Islam. They had offered bay’ah at the hand of Mu’adh
Ibn Jabal in al-Yaman. Among them was Zurarah Ibn ‘Amr.
Volume 1, Parts II.74.81
He (Ibn Sa’d) said: Hisham Ibn Muhammad informed us, he said:
He was Zurarah Ibn Qays Ibn al-Harith Ibn ‘Adda and he was a

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