The Miracles of the Nabi Pakﷺ – part 66

187. Just the sight of him would have convinced any sincere heart of his Prophethood. Sayyidina Abd Allah ibn Rawaha al-Ansari said of the Prophet: “Law lam takun fihi ayatun mubina, lakana manzaruhu yunabbi’uka bi al-khabari. Even if there were not, concerning him, clear and evident signs, yet the sight of him would have told you the news.” [Imam ibn Hajar’s al-Isaba]

188. When the Messenger of Allah smiled, his face would beam “as if it were a piece of the moon.”

· Sayyidina Kaab ibn Malik said: “I greeted the Messenger of Allah and there was lightning in his face. Whenever the Prophet was happy, his face would be illuminated as if it were a piece of the moon.” [Bukhari; Muslim]

189. On the night of the birth of the Messenger of Allah, his mother saw a light which showed her the castles of Damascus.

• The Messenger of Allah said: “I am the supplication of my father Ibrahim, and the good tidings of my brother ‘Isa. The night I was delivered my mother saw a light that lit the castles of Damascus so that she could see them.” [Imam al-Hakim’s Mustadrak, Imam Ahmad’s Musnad, Imam Bayhaqi in Dala’il al-Nubuwwa]

190. Even the enemy was fearful and in awe of his word: “They weren’t poetry, nor did they resemble those of a soothsayer.”

• Abu Jahl feared that Utba might have accepted Islam, having waited for him for a long time. Abu Jahl knocked at his door. When opened, he said to Utba: “I heard Muhammad treated you very generously and fed you, and in return you believed in him. This is what the people are saying.” Angrily, Utba replied: “You know I don’t need his feeding. I am richer than all of you. But his words shook me. They weren’t poetry, nor did they resemble those of a soothsayer. I don’t know how I should respond. He’s a truthful person. While I was listening to his recitation, I feared that what happened to ‘Ad and Thamud might happen to us.” [Hafiz ibn Kathir; Sirat ibn Hisham]

191. The Messenger of Allah is titled by Allah as “a Lamp spreading Light.” [Qur’an 33:46]

Mulla Ali al-Qari comments upon the Prophet’s title “as a Lamp spreading Light” [33:46], saying: “Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is a tremendous light and the source of all lights, he is also a book that gathers up and makes clear all the secrets… Sirajan munira means a luminous sun, because of Allah’s saying: “He has placed therein a great lamp and a moon giving light” [25:61]. There is in this verse an indication that the sun is the highest of the material lights and that other lights are outpourings from it: similarly, the Prophet is the highest of the spiritual lights and other lights are derived from him by virtue of his mediating connection and pivotal rank in the overall sphere of creation. This is also inferred from the tradition: “The first thing Allah created is my light.”

192. The Messenger of Allah heard, and responded to, the call of a Companion who was struggling against the enemy.

Sayyidina Maymuna, one of the Mothers of the believers, said: “The Messenger of Allah, upon him be blessings and peace, was sleeping with me one night, and he got up to make ablution and pray. I heard him say during his ablution in the dead of night: “Labbayka, labbayka, labbayka!” three times, and then: “Nusirta, nusirta, nusirta!” three times. When he came out, I asked him, “Messenger of Allah, I heard you say, during your ablution, ‘In your service!’ three times, and ‘To your defense!’ three times, as if you were addressing someone. Was there someone with you?” He replied: “This was the poetry champion (rajiz) of the Banu Kaa’b (one of the subtribes of the Khuza’a) invoking my aid (yastas-rikhuni) and asserting that the Quraysh ●

had helped the Banu Bakr against them.” [Imam Tabarani, al-Mu’jam al-Kabir; Imam ibn Hajar, al-Isabah]

193. The Messenger of Allah predicted the arrival of the tyrant Hajjaj b. Yusuf. The Messenger of Allah said: “There will be one liar and one destroyer (kadhdhab wa mubir) from Thaqif.” [Muslim]

194. The blessed soul of the Messenger of Allah is present in every believing household. Qadi Iyad cited reagrding the explanation of the verse, “When you enter houses, salute one another” [Qur’an 24:61]: “If there is no one in the house then say: ‘assalamu ‘ala alNabiyyi wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.”” [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa] ●

● On the above, Mulla al-Qari said in his commentary on al-Shifa: “Meaning, because his
soul, may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him, is present in the house of the Muslims (ay li’anna ruhahu ‘alayhi al-salamu hadirun fi buyuti al-muslimeen.”

195. The Messenger of Allah is the mercy of Allah. [Qur’an 10:58]

• Regarding the verse, “Say: In the bounty of Allah and in His Mercy: therein let them rejoice. It is better than what they hoard.” [Qur’an 10:58], Sayyidina ibn Abbas said: “The bounty of Allah is Knowledge (of tawhid), and His mercy is the Prophet, upon him be Allah’s peace and blessings.” [Imam al-Suyuti, al-Durr al-Manthur; Imam al-Alusi, Ruh al-Ma’ani]

196. Prophet Adam sought the Mercy of Allah through the name of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Prophet Adam, in his state of repentance for having eaten the forbidden fruit, sought the Mercy of Allah through the name of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad, ﷺ may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him.

Reported by Sayyidina Umar bin al-Khattab, the Messenger of Allah said, “When Adam committed his mistake, he said: ‘O my Lord, I am asking you to forgive me for the sake of Muhammad.’ Allah said: ‘O Adam, and how do you know about Muhammad ﷺ, whom I have not yet created?’ Adam replied, ‘ my Lord, after You created me with Your Hand and breathed into me of Your Spirit, I raised my head and saw written on the heights of the Throne, ‘La ilaha illallah Muhammadun RasulAllah’. I understood that you would