The Miracles of the Nabi Pakﷺ – part 58

106. The Messenger of Allah had a thoroughly in-depth knowledge of old Scriptures. “When the unbelievers came to him, he was able to debate and clearly answer both Jew and Christian according to their own scripture. He even told them of the secrets of their scriptures and spoke of their hidden sciences, and informed them of what they choose to conceal and how they had tampered with their Books.” [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]

107. Bahira the Monk recognized the Messenger of Allah’s Prophethood early in his childhood.

This is the famous story of the well-known monk Bahira. At a young age, the Messenger of Allah travelled towards Damascus with his uncle Abu Talib and some of the Quraysh, for the purpose of trade. They rested when they approached the church of Bahira the Monk. Bahira, who was a hermit and lived in complete seclusion, suddenly came out of his monastery. He saw the beloved Messenger of Allah and said, “He is the Master of the World; he will be a Prophet.” The Quraysh asked, “How do you know?” The monk replied: “I saw a small cloud over the caravan as you were coming. When you sat down, the cloud moved towards him and cast its shadow over him. I also saw trees and rocks prostrate themselves before him; this they do only before Prophets.” [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa] ●

108. During the Battle of Badr, he threw a handful of dust into the face of the enemy and they fled in bewilderment.

• In reference to the above incident, Allah Most High says: “And when you threw, it was not you who threw; it was rather Allah Who threw.” [Qur’an 6:17] Allah’s Messenger took up a handful of earth and small stones and threw them at the army of the unbelievers, saying: “May your faces be deformed!” Just as these words entered the ears of all of them, despite being a single phrase, so too the handful of earth entered the eyes of each one of the unbelievers. Each became preoccupied with his eyes, and although on the attack, the army suddenly turned and fled. [Imam al-Haythami, Majma al-Zawaid]

109. He nudged the weak camel of Sayyidina Jabir and it suddenly became full of energy.• Sayyidina Jabir b. Abdullah had a camel which was weak. The beloved Messenger of Allah prodded it and it became so lively that after that, Sayyidina Jabir had to use all his power to control it. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]

110. He completely changed the state of Sayyidina Fudhala ibn Umayr, who originally wanted to assassinate him.

• It was the year of the conquest of Makkah. Sayyidina Fudhala himself tells us, “I wanted to kill the Prophet as he circumambulated the Ka’bah. As I drew near to him he asked, ‘Is it Fudhala?’ and I replied that it was. He then asked, ‘What were you saying to yourself?’ and I replied, ‘Nothing, I was making remembrance of Allah (dhikr)’. The Messenger of Allah laughed and asked Allah to forgive me, then placed his hand on my chest and my heart became still. By Allah, as soon as he lifted it, Allah had not created anyone more beloved to me than him.” [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa; Imam ibn Hajar Asqalani’s al-Isaba; Imam ibn Kathir’s al-Bidaya wal-Nihaya]

111. The mother of the Messenger of Allah was told to name him ‘Muhammad’ in a dream prior to his birth.

• Sayyida Amina, his beloved mother, was told in a dream, “When he is born, name him Muhammad, for his name is Ahmad in the Torah and the Gospels. He will be praised by those in the Heavens and those on the earth. In the Qur’an, his name will be Muhammad.” So she named him thus. [Imam Abu Nu’aym, from Imam Bayhaqi; Dala’il al-Nubuwwah 1/111-112]

112. Abu Lahab is given a small respite in punishment for some joy he showed when the Messenger of Allah was born.

• Sayyidina Urwa reports in Sahih Bukhari: “Thuwaiba was a slave of Abu Lahab. Abu Lahab set her free, and she suckled the Holy Prophet. When Abu Lahab died, someone from his family saw him in a dream, in the worst possible condition. The person asked him, ‘What did you get?’ Abu Lahab said, ‘After I was separated from you, I did not find any peace, except that because I freed Thuwaiba, I am given a drink through this (i.e. the finger).” [Bukhari]

113. The Messenger of Allah saw the angel Jibra’il in his true form.

• “And indeed he saw him in the clear horizon” [Qur’an 81:23] – meaning, indeed the Messenger of Allah saw the angel Jibra’il, who brought him the Message from Allah, in the form that Allah created him in (i.e. his true form), and he had six hundred wings. [Tafsir ibn Kathir 81:23]

114. Allah’s forgiveness should be sought through the His Beloved Messenger.

“And if, when they wronged themselves, they had come to you, [O Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him], and asked forgiveness of Allah, and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah accepting of repentance and Merciful.” [Qur’an 4:64] ●

115. The Messenger of Allah told Sayyidina Rabi’ah b. Kaab to ask for anything his heart desired.

Sayyidina Rabi’ah ibn Kaab narrates, “I was with Allah’s Messenger one night and I brought him water and what he required. He said to me, ‘Ask (anything you like).’ I said, ‘I ask your company in Paradise.’ He (the Holy Prophet) said, ‘Or anything else besides it?’ I said, ‘That is all (that I require).’ He said, ‘Then help me to achieve this for you by devoting yourself often to prostration.’ [Muslim]

• Mulla Ali Qari writes an interpretation of this Hadith: “The Beloved Prophet, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, kept the question open-ended, which shows that Allah has granted such authority to the Holy Prophet, that he can grant whatever he wishes to anybody, from the treasures of the Lord. [Mirqat al-Mafatih Sharah Mishqat, Vol. 2, Page no. 323]