The Deputation of Daws
Volume 1, Parts II.74.92
They said:
When al-Tufayl lbn Amr al-Dawsi embraced Islam, he invited his people and they embraced Islam. Seventy or eighty members of his family came with him to al-Madinah, Abu Hurayrah andAbd Allah 1bn Uzayhir alDawsi being among them. The Apostle of Allah was then at Khaybar.
They proceeded thither and met him there. It has been mentioned to us
that the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, allotted their shares from
the booty of Khaybar. Then they came with him to al-Madinah. AlTufayl Ibn ‘Umayr said: 0 Apostle of Allah! do not separate me from my
people. He lodged them at Harrah al-Dujjaj. Abu Hurayrah said about
his emigration when he set out from the abode of his people.
0 traveller by night and bearing its (journey’s) hardship!
Verily, it delivered me from the town of non-believers.
`Abd Allah Ibn Uzayhir said: 0 Apostle of Allah! I command respect
and hold a position among my people so appoint me (their
administrator). The Apostle of Allah said: 0 brother Daws! verily, Islam
started in poverty and shortly it will return to the humble position.
Consequently he who testifies to truth, will receive salvation and he who
inclines to other than this will perish. Verily, the greatest of your people
in getting reward will be one who is greatest in sticking to truth and
surely the right will dominate over falsehood.

Hazrat Imam Hasan Askari AlahisSalam part 3

To write down the Secret of Heart

One day, it was narrated by a person, “Once I wrote a letter with a request for the solution of a problem. I also thought to write to him about the fever I had but, somehow, I forgot to write that. He wrote me the solution of the problem, and he also wrote, ‘You also thought to write about your fever, but you forgot. Write this Holy Quranic couplet,
and wear it in your neck. I followed it, and, I was cured of the fever.”

Al Hasan-bin-Ali’s Name to get written

This episode is described by a person. He says, “I was present in his service, and a handsome and impressive youth entered. I thought in my heart, who was that man. Hazrat Zakit said, ‘He is my wife’s cousin. He has a piece of stone on which my father had kept his ring. There is also a seal on it. He has come here with a wish that I too should keep my ring on it.’ Then he looked carefully at that young man and said, ‘Bring a piece of stone.” He brought the stone and gave it to him. He kept his ring at a particular place. There was nothing written on it, but an impression was there. Immediately the words ‘Al-Hasan-bin-Ali’ were got written over it. I read the words. After some time, when the young man came out, he was asked, ‘Have you ever met him before?’ He said, ‘On the oath of Allah, the Almighty, since quite a long time, I was longing to be present before him and offer my salam.’ At that very moment, another young man came. I did not know him. He said, ‘Get up and come in. I went inside.”

To forecast the Abdominal Conditions

Once, a person came and said, “I have written a letter to Imam Zaki in which, I wish that he kindly explain a particular word. My wife was also pregnant at that time. I wished that he may pray for her. I also desired that the child may be named by him. He wrote something in reply but did not write anything about the child. At the end of the letter he wrote,

*In this pregnancy, my wife gave birth to a dead baby girl. But the second time, when she conceived, she gave birth to a child.” “