Saiyedna Imam Hazrat Ali Raza AlahisSalam part 6

Divine Knowledge and Miracles

There are enumerable occasions of Hazrat Imam Ali Raza’s miracles and knowledge of unseen. Some of them can be quoted here.

When Mamun accepted Hazrat Imam Ali Raza as the caliph and made him his successor the people with wasted interests were unhappy with this act. They thought that the caliphate would, henceforth, be transferred to Hazrat Fatima’s family from that of Bani Abbass.

Hazrat Imam Ali Raza used to visit Mamun’s house frequently. Whenever he went there, all the nobles and courtiers used to stand up from their seats, offer him greetings and honours. Then they would remove the curtain and welcome him inside. But, when their respect was turned into hatred, they decided to leave the place on his arrival and not to remove the curtain. At the very moment when they all unanimously took this decision, Imam arrived. All of them, as usual, got up from their seats, and, raised the curtain. When he entered the house, each one of the courtiers and the nobles, looked at each other and, as if, questioned each other for not following their decision. They said, “Next time we will not remove the curtain.” On the following day, when he arrived, all of them got up but did not remove the curtain. Suddenly a strong wind-wave blew, and the curtain was removed much higher than before. He entered into the house. The courtiers told each other, “This man has a great respect near Allah, the Almighty. Allah is especially graceful upon him. See, how the wind removed the curtain both the times, i.e. at his arrival and departure. Hence, it is better to serve him as we used to serve him before. This only is the proper and beneficial attitude we should accept towards him.”

(Tashrif-ul-Bashar B Zikr Asar)

Due to his prayer, it started raining

After his coronation, for a long time, it did not rain. The rivals complained Mamun that “Since when Hazrat Ali Raza has become caliph, there is no rain.” To hear this was quite unpalatable to Mamun. He requested the Imam to pray for rain. On Monday, for Namaz e Istasqa he took the group of believers, went out of the town, stood in outskirts and prayed for rains. Very shortly, a cloud appeared, and lightning flashed. People thought to return. But he said, “Stay for a while. This cloud is not for us.” Thus, many times, clouds came and passed away. And every time he said that they were not for them. Lastly, a cloud came, and he allowed everyone to go home. All the people returned home. Then, it rained so heavily that every nook and corner of the land was burst out of water. All the creations of Almighty heaved a sigh of contentment. (Masaalik-ul-Saalikin)

A person started speaking Arabic the twinkling of an eye

A resident of Sindh came to serve Imam Ali Raza and began to talk in Sindhi with him. He understood each and every word and replied in the same language. While going, the person requested, “Huzur! I do not know Arabic but wish to learn that.” He moved his holy hand on his lips. Like a learned scholar of Arabic and a great orator, he started speaking in classical-literary Arabic language. (Masaalik-ul-Saalikin and Khazin-tul-Ashfia)

A living person died

Once some jealous persons, with a view to making fun of him, brought a coffin to Hazrat Imam Ali Raza, in which a living person was sleeping. Hazrat was requested to offer the funeral prayer for that man. The coffin was kept before him, and he offered the prayer. When, after prayer, the sheet was removed, contrary to their expectation, they found the person. dead. They were very much ashamed and repented for their mischief. The dead body was covered with the shroud and buried. After three days, Hazrat Imam Ali Raza went to his grave and said, “The grave opened and the dead person came to life and stepped out of the grave.

Forecast on the wishes of the heart

A narrator describes, “Riya’an Ibn-e-Salat told me, ‘I wish to beg Hazrat Ali Raza’s permission to be present before him for greeting. I also wish that he may give me one of his used dresses and some Dirhams with the seal of his name. The narrator further says, “When I presented myself in the services of Hazrat Imam Ali Raza before I said anything, he himself said, ‘Raiya’an Ibn-e-Salat wishes to come to me, and he wishes that I may give him one of my used clothes and some Dirhams. Just then, Raiya’an came, and Hazrat gave him the desired clothes and thirty (Shavaahid-u-Nabuwwat Maakhuj Rada takaviyat-ul-Iman) Dirhams.” رور

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