Volume 1, Parts II.74.40
He (Ibn Sa’d) said: Hisham Ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Sa’ib al-Kalbi
informed us on the authority of his father and Abu Bakr Ibn Qays al￾Ju’fi; they said:
The people of Juli considered heart unlawful in the days of ignorance. A
deputation consisting of two members, Qays Ibn Salamah Ibn Sharahil, a
person of Banu Marran Ibn Ju’fi, and Salamah Ibn Yayzid Ibn
Mashja’ah Ibn al-Mujammi’, waited on the Apostle of Allah, may Allah
bless him. They were uterine brothers, sons of Mulaykah Bint al-Hulw
Ibn Malik, a member of Banu Harim Ibn Ju’fi. They embraced Islam.
Thereupon the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, said to them. It
(the news) has reached me that you do not eat the heart. They said: Yes.
He said: Your conversion to Islam will not be complete without eating it.
He sent for a heart which was roasted for them. Then he passed it on to
Salamah Ibn Yazid. When he caught hold of it, his hand trembled.
Thereupon the Apostle of Allah, may peace be on him, said: Eat it. He ate
it and recited:
“Verily I ate the heart reluctantly, for this,
My fingers, when they touched it, trembled”.
He (Ibn Sa’d) said: The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, wrote
for Qays Ibn Salamah an epistle, which I reprodnce: An epistle document
from Muhammad the Apostle of Allah, to Qays Ibn Salamah Ibn
Sharáhil. I appoint amil of the Murran and their allies, the Harim and
their allies, and al-Kuláb and their allies, those of them who offer
prayers, pay zakah and purify and clean their wealth.
He (Ibn Sa’d) said: Al-Kulab include Awd, Zubayd, Jaz Ibn Sa’d
al-‘Ashïrah, Zayd Allah Ibn Sa’d,’Ayidh Allah Ibn Sa’d and Banu
Sala’ah a branch of Banu al-Harith Ibn Ka’b.
He (Ibn Sad) said: Then they said: 0 Apostle of Allah, our mother
Mulaykah Hint al-Hulw used to secure the freedom of prisoners, feed the
mendicant and show compassion to the poor. She had died. She had
interred alive a daughter of very tender age, so what would be her
condition. He said: She who interred her (daughter) alive and she who
was interred alive are both in hell fire. Thereupon they got infuriated He
said: Come to me. They came back and he said: My mother is with yours.
They rejected it, and went away saying: By Allah! this man who made us
eat the heart and thinks that our mother is in hell-fire, is not worthy of
being followed. They set out and on the way they confronted one of the
Companions of the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, who was
bringing camels of sadaqah. They tied him and carried away the camels.
This news reached the Prophet, may Allah bless him. He cursed them
along with those whom he was cursing in these words: May Allah curse
Ri’l, Dhakwan, Usayyah, Lihyan, and two sons of Mulaykah lbn Harïm
and Murran.

Volume 1, Parts II.74.41
He (Ibn Sád) said: Hisham Ibn Muhammad informed us; he said: Al￾Walid Ibn ‘Abd Allah al-Ju’fi informed us on the authority of his father,
he on the authority of their (the Ju’fi’s) old men; they said:
Abu Sabrah, who is Yazid Ibn Malik Ibn ‘Abd Allah Ibn al-Dhuwayb Ibn
Salamah Ibn ‘Amr Ibn Dhuhl Ibn Marran Ibn Ju’fi, waited in a
deputation on the Prophet, may Allah bless him, and with him were his
two sons, Sabrah and Aziz. The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him,
said to ‘Aziz. What is your name? He said: ‘Aziz (powerful). He said:
None is powerful except Allah and you are ‘Abd al-Rahman. They
embraced Islam. Abu Sabrah said: O Apostle of Allah! There is a fissure
in my palm which obstructs me from holding the muzzle of my camel.
The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, sent for a cup and began to
strike the fissure with it and touching it. It was cured. The Apostle of
Allah, may Allah bless him, called him with his two sons. He said: 0
Apostle of Allah! give me in fief the valley of my people in al-Yaman,
which was known as Hurdan. He did accordingly. ‘Abd al-Rahman is the
father of Khaythamah Ibn ‘Abd al-Rahman.


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