Volume 1, Parts II.74.34
He (Ibn Sa’d) said: ‘Affan Ibn Muslim informed us; he said: ‘Abd Allah
Ibn Hassan, the brother of Banu Ka’b, a branch of Bal-‘Anbar, informed
us, that his two grand-mothers Safiyyah Bint ‘Ulaybah and Duhaybah
Bint ‘Ulaybah related to him; and they related to him from the narration
of Qaylah Bint Makhramah and they were her step-daughters.
Qaylah was their father’s grand-mother, the mother of his mother, who
was married to Habib Ibn Azhar, the brother of Banu Janab. She bore
daughters from him and be (Habib) passed away in the early days of
Islam. Their uncle Ath’ub Ibn Azhar seized them from her. She set out to
meet the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, in the early days of
Islam. One of the girls al-Hudayba, whom al-Farsah had taken, and who
was wrapped in a woollen blanket, wept. He (Ibn Sa’d) said: she took her
along with herself. While they were trotting the camel, a hare emerged
from an orifice. Thereupon the noble minded-al-Hudayba said: By Allah,
your ankle will be higher than that of Athi’ub (it is a good augury). I
continue this narration: Then a fox emerged and she gave him a name
which ‘Abd Allah Ibn Hassan forgot. Then she said as she had said about
the hare. While they were trotting the camel, he knelt down and shivering
overtook him. On this al-Hudayba said: By your trust the sorcery of
Ath’ub has overtaken you. I was bewildered so I said to her: Woe be to
thee! What should I do? She said: Roll your garments; make their uppers
as their linings and effect a turn round. Turn the saddle cloth of your
camel. Then she took off her blanket, and rolled it, making its upper its
lining, (Qaylah said): When I did as she had asked me to do, the camel
trembled and then stood up, separated his legs and passed urine.
Then she (al-Hudayba) said: Keep your belongings over you. I did
accordingly. Then we set out trotting him; Lo! there was Ath’ub running
behind us with a drawn sword. We took refuge behind a row of congested
houses. I was seeing that he made the camel, which appeared to be very
lame, reach the terrace of a middle house, into which I had entered. He
held me with the sword and its edge wounded a portion of my forehead.
Then he said: 0 hand-maid! Hand over my brother’s daughter to me, I
entrusted her to him. He placed her on his shoulder and carried her and
she was more acquainted with him than the family members. I set out to
(find) my sister, who was married in Banu Shayban, so that through her I
might attain the association of the Apostle of Allah. During these days
one night, when she thought I was sleeping, her husband returned from
the meeting place and said: By your father! I have found a truthful man
for Qaylah. My sister said: Who is he? He said: Hurayth Ibn Hassan al￾Shaybani. He is going tomorrow morning in a deputation of Bakr Ibn
Wa’il to the Apostle of Allah. I went in the morning to my camel as I had
heard their conversation and saddled him. Then I enquired about him
(Hurayth) and found him to be not far off. I asked him to accompany
him. He said: Yes, and with honour. Their camels were ready, so I set out
with him man of truth. We arrived at (the place of) the Apostle of Allah
while he was leading the people in the morning prayer. The row (for
prayers) was ready; it was about to dawn and the stars ware twinkling in
the sky, and the people could not recognize each other because of
darkness of night. I stood in the row of men and I was a woman whose
association with the days of Jahiliyah was close. The man next to me said
to me! Are you a woman or a man? I said: Well! a woman. He said: You
had drawn me on the verge of disgrace, offer prayers with women,
behind you. Lo! There was a row of women, close to the apartments,
which I had not noticed at the time I had entered, otherwise I would have
joined them. When the sun rose I came closer and began to gaze any man
with comeliness and bright (skin) to discover the Apostles of Allah.
Ultimately a man came when the sun had risen, and he said: Peace be on
you 0 Apostle of Allah! The Apostles of Allah said: And on you be the
peace, the mercy of Allah, and His blessings. On him, she meant the
Prophets, were two patched sheets of saffron colour and the saffron had
been dimmed.
He had an unpeeled stick of date palm without fronds. He was sitting in a
squatting position. When I saw the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him,
sitting so meekly. I trembled with horror. His associate said to him: 0
Apostle of Allah! This poor woman is full of terror. The Apostle of Allah
did not look at me as I was sitting behind him and said: 0 poor woman!
be at rest. When the Apostle of Allah! may Allah bless him, uttered these
words, that fear which had entered my heart, vanished. Then my
companion advanced and offered bayah on his behalf and on behalf of his people. He said: 0 Apostle of Allah! write about al-Dahna between Banu Tamim and us that none of them should advance towards us except as a traveller or a seeker of refuge. Thereupon he said: 0 boy! write about al-Dahna. When I noticed that he had asked him to write, I could not control myself because it was my native land and my home was there. So I said: 0 Apostle of Allah! he did not do justice when he requested you about that land. This al-Dahná is a place of confinement of camels and pasture land of goats, and the women folk and children of the Tamim are beyond it. He said: Wait 0 boy, the poor woman tells the truth. A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. They share water and trees and help each other against the impious persons. When Hurayth saw that there was some obstacle in an epistle being written for him he struck one of his hands over the other and said: You and I are, as has been said a sheep lifting another by its hoofs meets its death. On this I said: You were a leader in darkness, benevolent to the master of camel, pious with your partner for life, till I arrived before the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him. But do not blame me for asking my share when you ask for yours. He said: Certainly I ask the Apostle of Allah bear witness that I shall be your brother till I live since you have praised me for this. Then I said. If you have started it, I shall not loose it. (I shall fulfil my part). The Apostle of Allah, said: Will her son be blamed if he decides from behird the room. Then I wept and said: 0 Apostle of Allah, when I bore him shrewd he was and he fought along with you on the day of al-Rabdhah. Then he went to Khaybar to bring corn for me, and suffered from fever of that place leaving the women with me. He said: By Him, in Whose possession is the soul of Muhammad, if thou hadst not been poor, we would have dragged thee by the face; or (he had said) thou wouldst have been drawn by the face;Abd Allah doubted. I would have drawn on thy face, Is any one
overpowered (suffers death) if he does good to his companions. [Qaylah
meant to say that her son died because he was asked to bring corn. The
Prophet did not like this remark and said; that virtuons deeds did not bring
calamity.] When it (death) intervenes between them it is better he says:
We are for Allah and to Him we will return. Then he said: 0 Lord! make
me forget what has passed and help me in what rcm ins. By Him in
Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, if any one of yóu weeps,
companion also sheds tears; 0 servants of Allah! do not torment your
brethren. He wrote on a red piece of leather for her: Qaylah and the
daughters of Qaylah, should not be oppressed nor forced to marry and
every faithful Muslim should render succour to them and (he said). They
should do also good deeds and not evil ones.
Volume 1, Parts II.74.35
He (Ibn Sa’d) said: ‘Affan Ibn Muslim informed us, he said: ‘Abd Allah
Ibn Hassan informed us; he said: Habban Ibn ‘Amir related to me my
maternal grand-father was the father of my mother respecting the
narration of Harmalah Ibn ‘Abd Allah, his grand-father, the father of his
mother was al-Ka’bi a member of Ka’b Bil `Anbar (second chain). He
(Ibn Sa’d) said: My grand-mothers-Safyyah Bint ‘Ulaybah and
Duhaybah Bint ‘Ulaybah related to me and their grandfather was
Verily, Harmalah set out (from his place) till he arrived before the
Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him. He was before him till the Apostle
of Allah, may Allah bless him, made him gunostic. Then he set out (on a
journey). He (Harmalah) said: I reproached myself and said: By Allah I
shall not go till I add to my knowledge staying with the Apostle of Allah,
may Allah bless him. So I waited on him and said: O Apostle of Allah!
what do you command me to act on? He said: 0 Harmalah! do pious
deeds and abstain impious ones. I retired till I came to my beast and then
I returned till 1 stood at my place or nearer to him. Then I said: 0
Apostle of Allah! What you command me to Act upon? He said: 0
Harmalah! do pious deeds and abstain impious ones. Look to what
pleases your ear when you retire from people that they should say about
you so do it and abstain what you dislike to be talked about you.


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