He (Ibn Sa’d) said: Here the narration is linked up with that of Muhammad Ibn’ Ali al-Qurashi; they said:’Amir Ibn al-Tufayl Ibn Malik Ibn Ja’far Ibn Kilab, and Arbad Ibn Rabï’ah Ibn Malik Ibn Ja’far waited on the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him. ‘Amir said: 0 Muhammad! What would be my privilege if I embrace Islam? He said: The same (privileges) as for the faithful, and the same (obligations) as from them. He said: Will you entrust the administration to me after you? He said: It is not for you nor for your people. He (‘Amir) said: Will you entrust to me to the tents (rural area) and you will have for yourself urban area? He said: No, but I shall entrust you the reins of horses because you are a horseman. He said: Is it not in my power to bring a large force of the horsemen and the footmen against you? Then they returned. Thereupon the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, said: 0 Allah! spare me (from their evil). 0 Allah! guide Banu ‘Amir (to the path of Islam) and make Islam safe against ‘Amir i.e., Ibn al-Tufayl. Allah, may He be Glorified and High, ordained a disease in his throat-his tongue lolled in his larynx like the udder of a she-goat. Then be went to the house of a woman of Banu Salul and said: (There is) a gland like the gland of a bullock and death is in the house of a woman of Banu Salul. Allah despatched lightning to Arbad which killed him. Labid Ibn Rabi’ah wept for him. And in this deputation was Abu Mutarrif ‘Abd Allah al-Shikhkhir, he said: 0 Apostle of Allah! you are our lord and kind to us. He said: Allah is the Lord, and may Satan not allure you! They said: ‘Alqamah Ibn ‘Ulathah Ibn ‘Awf Ibn al-Ahwas Ibn Ja’far Ibn Kilab, and Hawdhah Ibn Khalid Ibn Rabi’ah and his son waited on the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him. ‘Umar was sitting by the side of the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him. The Apostle of Allah said to him: Make room for ‘Alqamah. He (Umar) made room for him and he sat by his (Prophet’s) side. Then the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, related the laws of Islam and recited (a portion of) the Qur’an before him. He said: 0 Muhammad, verily your Lord is Gracious, and I believe in you and offer bay’ah (on behalf) of ‘Ikrimah lbn Khasafah the brother of Qays. Hawdhah and his son and his brother’s son embraced Islam. Hawdhah also offered bay’ah (on behalf) of ‘Ikrimah.

Volume 1, Parts II.74.28
He (Ibn Sa’d) said: Hisham Ibn Muhammad informed us on the
authority of Ibrahim Ibn Ishaq al-‘Abdi, he on the authority of al-Hajjaj
Ibn Artat, he on the authority of ‘Awn Ibn Abi Juhayfah al-Suwa’i, he on
the authority of his father; he said:

A deputation of Banu ‘Amir arrived and there were epistles for the
Prophet, may Allah bless him; we found him (Prophet) at al-Abtab in a
red tent and greeted him. He said: Who are you? We said: Banu ‘Amir,
Ibn Sa’sa’ah. He said: Hail to you! you are (related) to me and I to you.
The time of prayer approached and Bilal stood up and recited the adhan
turning round during his call. Then a vessel of water was brought to the
Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him. He performed ablutions and there
remained some of the water of his ablution. We endeavoured to perform
ablutions from that. Then Bilal stood and the Apostle of Allah, may Allah
bless him, led us to offer two rak’ahs of prayer. Then the time of ‘Asr
prayer approached and Bilal stood up and recited the adhan. He turned
round during adhan. Then the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, led
us in two rak’ahs.


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