The Deputation of Báhilah
They said: Mutarrif Ibn al-Kahin al-Bàhili waited in a deputation on the
Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, after the Victory (of Makkah) on
behalf of his people. He embraced Islam and asked for security for his
people. The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, wrote for hun an
epistle in which the obligations of sadaqát were enumerated. Then
Nahshal Ibn Malik al-Wa’ili’, a man of Báhilah waited on the Apostle of
Allah, may Allah bless him, in a deputation on behalf of his people. He
embraced Islam and the Apostle of Allah wrote an epistle for him and for
his people who had embraced Islam, enumerating in it the laws of Islam.
Uthman IbnAffan scribed it.


Hadith :Meri Qabr ki ziyarat

*Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar Razi Allahu Tala Anhu Se Riwayat Hain Ke Huzoor Nabi e Akram ﷺ Ne Farmaya :- Jisne Mere Wisaal Mubarak Ke Baad Meri Qabr Ki Ziyarat Ki Goya Usne Meri Hayaat Me Meri Ziyarat Ki.*

📚 *Reference* 📚

*1.* Tabrani, Al Muajjam Al Kabeer, Jild 12, Safa 406, Hadees No 13496.
*2.* Bayhaqi, Shoaib ul Imaan, Jild 3, Safa 489, Hadees No 4154.
*3.* Haythami, Majma uz Zawahid, Jild 4, Safa 2.



Hazrat Fatima Zehra (a.s.) was born to Janab Khadija Kubra and was the dearest daughter of the Prophet (s.a.). Her birth took place at Makka in the fifth year of the Annunciation of the Prophet (s.a.). When she was only five years old her beloved mother, Hazrat Khadija, died. The entire responsibility of her upbringing became the responsibility of the Prophet (s.a.). Despite his very busy schedule, he gave good attention to her education and training. His attention and her personal innate capability resulted in her accomplishments that became an example for the womenfolk of the world. While she was a replica of the Prophet (s.a.) in her looks and personality, she was also a reflection of his qualities of head and heart. When she walked, it felt as if the Prophet (s.a.) was walking. When she spoke, she modulated the words the same way as her father did. She achieved such heights in learning that the Prophet (s.a.) gave her the titles of Adila e Maryam and Syedat Nisail Aalameen. Whenever she came to the presence of the Prophet (s.a.) he used to stand up in respect. Hazrat Ayesha says:

“Whenever Fatima came to

The Prophet (s.a.), he used to stand up, kiss her, welcome her and guide her with his own hands to sit on his carpet.

Ref: Mustadrak, Hakim, Vol 3, Page 160

After arrival in Madina, janab e Syeda attained the age of maturity. At this time the elite of Qureishand other important persons sent in proposals for her hand in marriage. One person was very proud of his wealth. He offered excessive Mehar if the Prophet (s.a.) acceded to his request for marriage with his daughter. The Prophet (s.a.) turned away his face when this proposal was mooted before him. He told to some other persons, “Fatima’s matter is in the hands of Allah! He will fix a match for her!” When none of the proposals received the assent of the Prophet (s.a.), some of the Companions asked Ali (a.s.) to stake his claim. They said that there is no reason that he proposed and got a refusal from the Prophet (s.a.). He said that he felt shy to make the proposal to the Prophet (s.a.). When those persons insisted, he promised to moot the subject with the Prophet (s.a.) at an appropriate time. Therefore, one day after completing the important tasks, he went to the presence of the Prophet (s.a.) and sat quietly in a corner. When he saw him sitting quietly, the Prophet (s.a.) understood that he wished to make some important request. He said, “Ali! Do you wish to say something?” He replied, “Yes!” The Prophet (s.a.) asked, “Then! Tell me!” A blush crossed the face of Ali (a.s.). He kept his eyes down and said in low tone,” O Prophet of Allah (s.a.)! You have brought me up from my childhood. And your kindnesses on me were more than those of my own parents! Now I am approaching you for more kindnesses! “The Prophet (s.a.) understood the intent of Ali (a.s.) and happiness reflected from his face. He asked Ali (a.s.) to wait for sometime and went to the inner chamber of his house. He asked Fatima Zehra, “My daughter! Ali (a.s.) has made a proposal for your hand. What is your opinion about it?” Fatima Zehra sat with her head bowed down and did not reply. The Prophet (s.a.) said
“Sukootaha iqraraha! —Quietness is acceptance!” he came out with a smiling face and told Ali (a.s.) that the proposal for marriage with his daughter was accepted. He asked Ali (a.s.) to arrange money for the Mehar. Hazrat Ali (a.s.) said, “O Prophet of Allah(s.a.)! Besides an armor, a sword and a camel, I have nothing else!” The Prophet (s.a.) said, “Keep the camel and the sword with you and sell the armor to raise the money for Meher and other expenses.” Hazrat Ali (a.s.) sold the armor to Hazrat Othman for a consideration of 480 Dirhams.and presented it to the Prophet as the Meher. He gave some Dirhams from that money to Hazrat Abu Bakar and asked Ammar Yassir and some other companions to accompany him and buy the household utensils etc from the bazaar. He gave some Dirhams to Bilal to buy perfumes etc.

It was the Month of Dual Qidah of 2H. In the Masjid e Nabavi the group to witness the Aqd (Marriage Covenant) between the bride (Hazrat Fatima Zehra) and the groom (Hazrat Ali-a.s.) had assembled. The Companions of the Prophet (s.a.) were there in numbers. The Prophet (s.a.) delivered the Sermon. It was a speech of erudition and knowledge. The covenanting parties gave their assent. Then this happy occasion was concluded.with a prayer by the Prophet (s.a.) for the couples’ happiness and prosperity. In the month of Dual Hijja 2H, the bride shifted to the residence of the groom. The Prophet (s.a.) got together the

Valima (Wedding Reception). He ordered meat and bread and the groom, Hazrat Ali (a.s.), arranged for cooking oil and dates. The reception was an open house for all the inhabitants in Madina. All the Mohajirs and the Ansars attended the reception. All the guests ate to their fill. After service of the dinner lot of food remained. One portion of the food was reserved for Ali (a.s.) and Hazrat Fatima. Food was also sent to the homes of the Prophet (s.a.)’s wives.

The dowry that was given to the daughter of the Prophet (s.a.) and the richest lady of Arabia, Hazrat Khadija, consisted of the following: One dress

One Scarf

One Black Headgear from Khaibar

One cot knit with date fiber

Two mattresses-one filled with wool and the other with date fiber

Four pillows made of Taef Leather

One mat

One curtain of silk and cotton waste

One millstone

One small pitcher of bronze

One big water-skin (Mashk)

One pot

One big tumbler

One spouted Jug (Lota)

Some small earthen bowls

The approximate total cost of all these things Was about 80 Dirhams.

When the Prophet (s.a.) saw his daughter’s dowry, he had tears in his eyes. He looked at the materials, lifted his head towards the sky and said: “Allahumma barik laqaum jal anaitahum al khazaf

O Allah! Give them prosperity whose utensils

Are mostly earthen.

When dusk was around, and the shadows darkened, the Prophet (s.a.) helped Hazrat Syeda mount the mule, Shehba, and the atmosphere of Madina reverberated with the calls of “Allaho Akbar”. From every side came sounds of prayers. The women of Ansar and Mohajirs accompanied the wedding procession singing martial songs (Rajz). Salman Farsi was holding the reins of the mule and walked in front of it. The Prophet (s.a.) and all the men of Bani Hashim carried unsheathed swords in their hands. The procession went round the Prophet (s.a.)’s Mosque and reached its destination. The Prophet (s.a.) took the hand of his daughter in his hand and put it in the hand of the groom, Hazrat Ali (a.s.) and said:

“Baarik Allah laka fi abnat Rasool Allah

Ali (a.s) May the daughter of the Prophet (s.a.) be

auspicious for you!”

The Prophet (s.a.) then called for a tumbler of water, took a mouthful of the water in his mouth, put it back in the tumbler and then sprinkled the water from the tumbler on the chests of Ali (a.s.) and Hazrat Fatima. Then he said:

“Allahumma barik fihima wa barik

Alaiha wa barik fi naslahuma O Allah! Give prosperity to both of them! Give prosperity to their progeny as well! Ref: Asaba, Vol 4, Page 366 After giving his blessings, when the Prophet (s.a.) entered the home of Ali (a.s.) and Hazrat Fatima, he again prayed for their happiness and prosperity! Seeing the daughter of Khadija settle in her new home, the Prophet (s.a.) returned home happily!