The Deputation of Kinánoh
Volume 1, Parts II.74.24
He (Ibn Sad) said:All Ibn Muhammad al-Qurayshi informed us on the
authority of Abu Ma’shar, he on the authority of Yazid Ibn Ruman and
Muhammad Ibn Kab; (second chain) Abu Bakr al-Hudhali on the authority of al-Shabi, (third chain) Ali Ibn Mujàhid, (fourth chain) Muhammad Ibn Ishaq on the authority of al-Zuhri andIkrimah lbn
Khàlid Ibn ‘Asim Ibn Amr Ibn Qatadah; (fifth chain) Yazid IbnIyad
Ibn Judubah on the authority ofAbd Allah Ibn Abi Bakr Ibn Hazm;
(sixth chain) Maslamah Ibn ‘Alqamah on the authority of Khàlid alHadhdha, he on the authority of Abu Qilabah:
Besides other learned scholars who add something in what they relate
about the deputations of the Arabs waiting on the Apostle of Allah, may
Allah bless him; they said: Wathilah Ibn al-Asgaal-Laythi waited in a deputation on the Apostle of Allah. He came to al-Madinah and the Apostle of Allah was making preparations for Tabuk. He (Wathilah) offered morning prayers with him. He (Prophet) said to him: Who are you? and what has brought you hither? and what is your requirement? He informed him about his descent, and said: I came to you to be safe under the care of Allah and His Apostle, so accept my bay'ah, on what I like and what I dislike, and he accepted his bay'ah. He returned to his family and informed them (about this). His father said to him: By Allah, I shall never speak a word to you. His sister heard his words; she embraced Islam and made arrangements for his journey. He set out to go to the Apostle of Allah and discovered that he had left for Tabuk. He said: He who will make me ride behind him (on the same camel) in his riding will receive my share (of booty), Kab Ibn Ujrah made him ride till he reached the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, and was present with him at Tabuk. The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, sent him with Khalid Ibn al-Walid to Ukaydir. When he received booty he brought his share to Kab Ibn ‘Ujrah who declined to share it and made it lawful

for him and said: I had made you ride for Allah’s sake only.
They said: A deputation of Banu Abd IbnAdi waited on the
Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him. Among them were al-Hàrith Ibn
Uhban, Uwaymir Ibn al-Akhram, Habib and Rabiah, sons of Mullah,
and a party of their people. They said: 0 Muhammad, we are the people
of the sanctuary and its residents; (we are) more powerful than those who
are there. We do not want to fight with you and if you happen to fight
people other than the Quraysh we will fight along with you but we will
not fight the Quraysh. Verily we love you and those from whom you are.
If by mistake you kill one of our men you will have to pay his ransom and
if by mistake we do it we will have to pay the ransom money. He said:
Very well. Then they embraced Islam.