The Deputation of Jarm
Volume 1, Parts II.74.59
He (lbn Sa’d) said: Hisham Ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Sa’ib informed us; he
said: Sa’d Ibn Murrah al-Jarmi informed us on the authority of his
father; he said:
Two members of our tribe, waited in a deputation on the Apostle of Allah,
may Allah bless him; one of them was known as al-Asqa’ Ibn Shurayb
Ibn Suraym Ibn ‘Amr Ibn Riyah Ibn ‘Awf Ibn ‘Amirah lbn al-Hun Ibn
A’jab Ibn Qudamah Ibn Jarm Ibn Rayyan Ibn Hulwan Ibn ‘Imran Ibn
al-Haf Ibn Quda’ah, and the other as Hawdhah Ibn ‘Amr Ibn Yazid Ibn
‘Amr Ibn Riyah. They embraced Islam and the Apostle of Allah, may
Allah bless him, wrote an epistle to both of them.
He (Ibn Sa’d) said: A member of Banu Jarm recited before me verses
which ‘Amir Ibn ‘Asamah Ibn Shurayh i, e, al-Asqa’ had composed:
Abu Shurayb al-Khayr was my uncle,
He was brave of the brave, bearing responsibility.
He was the chief of the tribe of Jarm when
Devastators had put us into trouble.
He was the first of his people when they were invited
To Islam, by Ahmad of Tihamah,
He responded to it and became his supporter.
Then he (in return) appointed him the chief of the two branches of

Volume 1, Parts II.74.60
He (Ibn Sa’d) said: Yazid Ibn Harun informed us; he said: Mis’ar Ibn
Habib informed us; he said: ‘Amr Ibn Salamah Ibn Qays al-Jarmi
informed us:
That his father and some members of his tribe waited in a deputation on
the Prophet. When the people embraced Islam, learnt the Qur’an and
satisfied their needs, they said to him (Prophet): Who is to lead us in
prayers or make us offer prayers? He said: He should lead in prayers,
who is more conversant with or more learned in the Qur’an among you.
He (Salamah) said: They came to their people and inquired of them
about it. They did not find any one more conversant with and learned in
the Qur’an than myself. He (Salamah) said: I was only a boy and had one
sheet to cover me. They made me proceed forward, and I led them in
prayers. Since then I never witnessed an assembly of the Jarm in which I
was present (and was not their leader in prayers), 1 am their leader to
this day.
Yuzid said: Mis’ar said: He used to say prayers over funerals, and
led his people in prayers in their mosque till he passed away.

Volume 1, Parts II.74.61
He (Ibn Sa’d) said: ‘Arif Ibn al-Fadl informed us; he said: Hammad Ibn
Zayd informed us on the authority of Ayyub; he said: Abu Yazid ‘Amr
Ibn Salamah al-Jarmi related to me; he said:
We resided by (a stream of) water by which people passed. We asked
them: What is this affair about which people talk that a person believes
that he is a Prophet, and that Allah has commissioned him and that Allah
has revealed to him such and such. I did not hear a thing which I did not
commit to memory as if it struck to my heart. Thus I collected a large
part of the Qur’an in my heart.
He (Ibn Sa’d) said: The Arabs were hesitating in embracing Islam
upto the time of the Victory (of Makkah). They would say: Wait! if he
(Prophets) triumphs over them (i.e. the Makkans) he is true and he is a
Prophet. When (the news of) the Victory came to us, each tribe hurried to
embrace Islam. My father set out to convey the message of our
neighbours’ embracing Islam. He (Salamah) stayed with the Apostle of
Allah, may Allah bless him, as long as Allah liked him to stay.
He (Salamah) said: Then he returaed and when he was at a short
distance, we received him. When we saw him, he said: By Allah! I have
brought truth from the Apostle of Allah. Then he said: He enjoins on you
such and such things and restrains you from such and such; and that you
should offer prayers in this way and at this time. When the time of
prayer comes, one of you should call for prayers, and he should lead you
in prayers who is more conversant with the Qur’àn. He (Salamah) said:
Our neighbours made a search but did not discover anyone more
conversant with the Qur’an than me as I had been committing to
memory, (hearing) from the cameleers. He said: They made me go
forward before them; I led them in prayers and I was only six years old.
(It appears that in those early days of Islam even a child could lead in
prayers, which is not permissible now.) He continued: There was a
covering over me and when I prostrated it contracted. Thereupon a
woman of the tribe said: Why do you not cover the posteriors of your
reader (qari)? He said: They clothed me in a shirt of cloth with knots
from al-Bahrayn. He said: Nothing made me more happy than wearing
this shirt.

Volume 1, Parts II.74.62
He (Ibn Sa’d) said: Ahmad Ibn ‘Abd Allah Ibn Yunus informed us,
saying! Abu Shihab informed us on the authority of Khalid a1-Hadhdha
he on the authority of Abu Qulabah, he on the authority of ‘Amr Ibn
Salamah al-Jarmi; he said:
I used to meet the cameleers who taught me the verses (of the Qur’an)
and so I was leading in prayers during the days of the Apostle of Allah.

Volume 1, Parts II.74.63
He (Ibn Sa’d) said: Abu ‘l-Walid Hisham al-Tayalisi Ibn ‘Abd al-Malik
informed us, saying: Shu’bah informed us on the authority of Ayyub; he
said: I heard ‘Amr Ibn Salamah; he said:
My father went to the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, with the
news of our people’s embracing Islam. During the course of that he said:
He who is more conversant with the Qur’an among you should lead your
prayers. He said: I was the youngest of them and I used to lead their
prayers. A woman said: Cover the posteriors of your leader. Thereupon
they clothed me in a shirt and nothing made me more rejoicing than
putting on this shirt.

Volume 1, Parts II.74.64
He (Ibn Sa’d) said: Yazid Ibn Harun informed us on the authority of
‘Asim, he on the authority of ‘Amr Ibn Salamah he said:
When my people returned from the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless
him, they said: He has said that he should lead your prayers who is more
conversant with the recitation of the Qur’an. He said: They called me and
instructed me in kneeling and prostrating. He said: I was leading them in
prayers and there was a torn covering over me. They said to my father:
Will you not cover the posteriors of your son before us?


Who are Zaidi .??

Zaidiyya (pure Zaidis):They belongs to and were the Companions of Hazrat Zaid bin Ali Zain-ul-Aabideen [R.T.A], who did ba’yt upon him during the fight against the descendants of Abdul Malik bin Marwan. Zaidis narrates the Usul (theology), and some of the Fiqh/ jurisprudence traditions; from Hazrat Zaidbin Ali Zain-ul-Aabideen. Zaidis respects and believes in Sahabah [R.A], and do not abuse them;and narrates the proved sayings of Hazrat Zaid bin Ali Zain-ul-Aabideen that “do not curse theSahabah [R.A]”.Zaidis believe that after the demise of Prophet Muhammad [S.A.W.W], though the right ofImamat was of/with Hazrat Ali [R.A]; however Hazrat Ali [R.A] himself stepped-down in thefavour of Hazrat Abu-Bakr [R.A], Hazrat Umar [R.A] and Hazrat Usman [R.A]. They also believe that the Khilafat of the first three Khulafa was right since Hazrat Ali [R.A] was satisfied by them because it can never be the case that an Imam agrees or become satisfy upon Baatil falsehood. Hence, on the subject of Khilafat/Imamat; their view is somewhat close to as of the Ahle Sunnah. The difference however is that they (Zaidis) believes that the Imam must be Fatema (from the descendants of Hazrat Fatimah [R.A])

and furthermore; if he himself transfers the Imamat to somebody else, then that becomes the next Imam. So it means, thatthe base of their sect is actually the second (off-shoot) of the First foremost Shias (i.e. the group and Companions of Hazrat Ali [R.A] who actually were Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama’at); but then the people after them corrupted their faith, when influenced and ties with Mu’tazilis and other Shias.Zaidis do not believe in the infallibility of Imams or that the Imams recieve divine guidance, asthe Ithna A’sharia and other Shias believes in; however they believe in the divine (mansoos)Khilafat of Hazrat Ali [R.A]. Zaidis also reject the belief of Occulation (Ghaybat/Ghaybah) ofHidden Imam; like Islmai’lis have living visible Imam whereas the Ithna-A’sharia believes in aninvisible 12
Imam. It is said but not confirmed; that Imam Abu-Hanifah [R.T.A] was satisfiedtowards the right of Khilafat/Imamat for Hazrat Zaid bin Ali Zain-ul-Aabideen [R.T.A] andconsidered Hazrat Zaid’s opinion to be the correct to fight against the tyrant ruler; and wouldurge the people to be with Hazrat Zaid. That is why, in Fiqh/jurisprudence, the Zaidis are closerto Ahle Sunnah Hanaifs; whereas in Usul (theology), they follow (i.e. are closer to) Mu’tazilis. And regarding the Mu’tazilis; they are further divided into three sub-sects. Wasiliyya (belongsto Wasil bin Ata), Huzailiyya (belongs to Huzail), and Nazzamiyya (belongs to Ibrahim binSaiyyar bin Hani al-Nazzam).Based on the above mentioned findings, the Ahle Sunnah Ulama has the view that contrary tothe Jafar’i/Imami Shias (Ithna Ashrias twelvers); since the Zaidi Shias respects the Sahabah[R.A], believes in the Khilafat of the first three Khulafa-e-Rashideen, do not hold the belief ofTehreef-e-Quran however like Mu’tazilis they believes in that the Quran is a creation, and notbelieves in the infalliblity of Imams as Ithna Ashria Shias believes so; therefore if such a person