Saiyedna Imam Hazrat Ali Raza AlahisSalam part 7

To bestow his wisdom happily

Jafar-bin-Saleh says, “My wife was pregnant. During these days, I was fortunate enough to be present in the service of Hazrat Imam Ali Razat. I requested him ‘Huzur! Please pray Allah, the Almighty to give a son to my wife.’ He said, ‘Your wife is pregnant with two infants in her womb.’ While returning after this prophecy, I thought to give names to the kids, Muhammad to one and Ali to the other. Immediately he called me and said, ‘You name one as Ali and another as Umm-e-Umar.’ On delivery, there was one male child and another was a female child. I named son Ali, and the daughter’s name was kept Umm-e-Umar. Once I asked my mother, how was the name Umm-e-Umar? She said, mother’s name was Umm-e-Umar.’ (Shavaahid-u-Nabuwwat Maakhuj rad takaviyat-ul-Imaan)

Knowledge about tomorrow

It is written in Savahd-ul-Nabuwwat that a person set out for Khurasan from his home-town, Kufa. During departure, his daughter gave him a cloth-sheet, told him to sell it and buy a sapphire with that money he gets for it. When he reached there, some of Hazrat Ali Raza’s slaves came KAZISH there and told him, ‘One of Hazrat Ali Raza’s slave has died. If you have any clothing, kindly sell it to us so that we can use it as a shroud for the dead. The person replied, ‘I do not have any such cloth.’ They heard this and went away. But returned once again and said, ‘Our master says, you have such cloth which your daughter has given to you so that you can sell it and buy sapphire for her with that money. We have brought the amount. The person sold them the cloth-sheet. At the same, time he thought in the heart of his hearts to go to Hazrat and ask for the solution of some of his problems. He noted down the problems on a piece of a paper and went to Huzur’s court. When he reached the gate, he saw a big crowd there. Due to the rush of people, he could not see even the holy face. He stood puzzled. All of a sudden, a slave came, shouted his name and gave him a written chit. The messenger told, ‘O visitor, here are the solutions to all of your problems.’ When I read it, I saw that it contained solutions to all of my problems. (Khazinat-ul-Ashfiya)

To inform about the death

Once, Hazrat Imam Ali Raza’a Kuddus Sara’ah-ul-Aziz stared at a person and said, “O man! Make a will of whatever you wish and get ready for that.” Three days passed, and the person died. (Tashrif-ul-Bashar)

Prophecy about the prosperity

Husain-bin-Musa describes, “Once when I was in the service of Hazrat Ali Raza, Jafar-bin-Umar Alvi passed through. Some of us looked at him with a hateful sight. On this, Hazrat Imam Ali Raza said, ‘In the near future, you will see that this person will be very rich.’ Within a week’s period, the person became wealthy, and, whenever he used to come to us, he was always surrounded by the body-guards and slaves. We used to offer him greetings.” (Khazinat-ul-Ashafiya)