The Miracles of the Nabi Pakﷺ – part 67

197. The Messenger of Allah knew of the piety of Sayyidina Uwais al-Qarni, though never having met him during his lifetime.

This is to the extent that the Messenger of Allah asked the Companions to seek the

prayers of Sayyidina Uwais al-Qarni: Sayyidina Umar b. al-Khattab reported: I heard Allah’s Messenger, may Allah’s eternal peace and blessings be upon him, saying, “Worthy amongst the successors (tabi’een) would be a person who would be called Uwais. He would have his mother (living with him) and he would have (a small) sign of leprosy. Ask him to beg pardon for you (from Allah).” [Muslim]

198. On the night of the migration, the angel Jibra’il was sent to the Messenger of Allah to murder to warn him that the unbelievers were plotting to murder him in his bed that very night.

• Jibra’il was sent to the Prophet, “Do not sleep tonight in your usual bed.” When it became dark, the enemy gathered at his door in vigil, waiting for the moment on which he would go to sleep so that they might fall upon him. [Sirat ibn Hisham]

199. The Messenger of Allah instructed Sayyidina Ali, as the enemies surrounded their dwelling, and guaranteed his safety.

When the Messenger of Allah observed what was happening, he said to Sayyidina Ali: “Sleep in my bed, and cover yourself with my green Hadrami mantle. Use it when sleeping and they will not be able to do anything dislikable to you.” [Sirat ibn Hisham] ●

200. He created a brotherhood between the Muhajirun and the Ansar which was so deep that it broke all worldly or egotistical barriers.

• This brotherhood was so deep, sincere, and strong that the Ansar (known as the Helpers, they were the original residents of Madinah) shared everything with the Muhajirun (known as the Emigrants, those who had migrated to Madinah for the sake of Islam). This lasted for some time. However, when the Muhajirun had become accustomed to their new environment, one day they asked the Messenger of Allah: “O Messenger of Allah, we

emigrated here purely for the sake of Allah. But our Muhajirun brothers are so good to us that we fear we will consume in this world the reward of our good deeds, which we expect to get in the Hereafter. Also, we feel extremely indebted to them. Please ask them to allow us to earn our own living.”

The Messenger of Allah sent for the Ansar of Madinah, and told them of the situation. The Ansar unanimously objected, finding it unbearable to be separated from their brothers. In the end, to spare the Muhajirun’s feeling of indebtedness, the Ansar agreed

that the Muhajirun would work in their fields and gardens in return for wages until they could build their own houses. [Bukhari; Muslim]

201. The entire community of the city of Madinah would obtain the blessings of his noble hand.

Sayyidina Anas ibn Malik related: “The whole community of the people of Madinah used to take the hand of the Prophet and rush to obtain their need with it.” [Musnad Imam Ahmad]

202. The Messenger of Allah was the seal of all Messengers before Prophet Adam was fully created.

● Narrated from Sayyidina al-Irbad ibn Sariya that the Prophet said: “I am Allah’s Servant (as written) in the Mother of the Book, and verily the seal of Prophets when Adam was still kneaded in his clay…” [Sahih ibn Hibban; Imam Hakim’s al-Mustadrak; Imam alHaythami, Majma al-Zawa’id]

203. The Messenger of Allah, as well as all Prophets, is alive and worshipping Allah in his blessed grave. Sayyidina Anas ibn Malik related that the Messenger of Allah said, “The Prophets are
alive in their graves, praying to their Lord.” [Imam Bayhaqi’s Hayat al-Anbiya]

204. Sayyida Asma would use the blessed garment of the Messenger of Allah to heal the sick.

● Sayyida Asma had a gown of the Messenger of Allah. The sick would go to her, and she would dip the gown in the water. She would then take the gown out, and give that water for the sick to drink for tabarruk/blessing.” [Muslim]

205. The Messenger of Allah was gifted with exclusive privileges including his Ummah being the best Ummah.

• Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib relates: The Messenger of Allah said, “I was given what no other Prophet before me was given.” We said, “O Messenger of Allah! What is it?” He said, “I was given victory by fear, I was given the keys of the earth, I was called Ahmad, the earth was made a clean place for me (to pray and perform tayammum with), and my Ummah was made the best Ummah.” [Imam Ahmad]

206. If the final Messenger of Allah was sent during their lifetime, all the Prophets would believe and support him.

Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib and his cousin Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Abbas said, “Allah never sent a Prophet but after taking his pledge that if Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, were sent in his lifetime, he would believe in and support him.” [Tafsir ibn Kathir] ●

207. The touch and prayer of the Messenger of Allah strengthened Sayyidina Ali’s judgements.

Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib said, “The Messenger of Allah sent me to Yemen. I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, you send me, while I am still young, to judge amongst them, and I know not how to judge!’ He struck my chest with his hand saying, ‘O Allah! Guide his heart and strengthen his tongue!’ By He Who split the grain! Thereafter I never doubted how to judge between two people!” [ibn Majah]

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