The Miracles of the Nabi Pakﷺ – part 37

4.In the Book of Deuteronomy:

It is mentioned here that Mûsâ (Moses) talked to the children of Isrâ’îl towards the end of his life in the 39th year of the Teeh (wondering through the land) and reminded them of Allâh’s bounties and Graces, which He had provided them with, and said to them: “And remember that the Lord will send you a Prophet from among your own selves, as He sent me to you. He will command you to do the right and forbid you from doing evil. He will make lawful for you all that is good and make unlawful all that is evil. Whoever disobeys him will be disgraced in this life, and subject to torment in the Hereafter. “

5. At the end of the Book of Deuteronomy:

In the fifth (and the last) book of the Torah it says: “The Lord came from Mount Sinai and rose like the sun over Sa’îr, and he shone on his people from Mount Paran. To his right there is a light, and to his left there is a fire. All nations gather around him” (Deuteronomy: 33:2). This means that the Shari’ah of Allâh came from Sinai, which is the mountain at which Mûsâ (Moses) talked to Allâh the Almighty. Sa’îr stands for the hills in Jerusalem where ‘Îsâ (Jesus) preached. “He shined” i.e. His Message was finally complete, dominant and clear, from the side of the Mount of Paran, which are without dispute- the mountains of Arabia (or the heights of Makkah). This only took place when Muhammad ﷺ proclaimed his Message. Allâh, Glorified be He, mentioned the three places in the order in which the events took place. Therefore, he mentioned the place where Mûsâ (Moses) started the Message, then ‘Îsâ (Jesus) and finally the land where Muhammad ﷺ completed the Message. When Allâh the Almighty swore by these three places in the Qur’ân-, he mentioned them in the order which ends with the best of the three. In Sûrah at-Tîn Allâh says:

“By the fig and the olive” (95:1) (which is the location of Jerusalem, where ‘Îsâ (Jesus) was. And then He said: “By the Mount Sinai” (95:2), which is the mountain by which Allâh talked to His Prophet Mûsâ (Moses). And finally He said: “And by this city of security (Makkah)” (95:3), which is the city, where Muhammad ﷺ proclaimed his mission. (This is according to the opinion of many interpreters of the Qur’ân).

6. In the Psalms (Zabûr) of Dawûd (David):

In the Psalms of Dawûd there is a description of this nation that they are a nation of Jihâd and worship. It also gives an example, which was related by the Prophet that he is the final brick in dhe buili dome, as was mentioned in the Hadîth that is narrated by Imâms al-Bukhârî and Muslim on the authority of Abû Hurairah who said: “The Messenger of Allâh ﷺ said: “My similitude in comparison with the other Prophets before me, is that of a man who has built a house nicely and beautifully, except for a place of one brick in a corner. The people go about it and wonder at its beauty, but say: “Would that this brick be put in its place! So, I am that brick, and I am the last of the Prophets. The same meaning is also expressed in 9980 the Qur’ân in the verse:

ما كان محمد أبا أحد من رجالكم ولكن رسول الله وخاتم النبيين وكان الله بكل شيء عليما(40)) (الأحزاب: 40 )

“Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allâh and the last of the Prophets’ (33:40). 99

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