Bani Thaqeef and their chief, Malik ibne Auf Nasri, escaped from Hunain and took shelter in Taef. They kept accumulating the equipment of warfare for one full year and locked themselves up in the fort. The army of Islam, under the command of the Prophet (s.a.) chased them and laid siege of the Taef Fort. From both sides there was exchange of arrows. The Muslims were in open ground and the Infidels were in the security of the fort. They rained so many arrows from the fort that some of the Muslims got martyred.and many more injured. When there was no means of subduing the well entrenched enemy, Salman Farsi came up with the idea of Minjaneeq or Catapult. With a specially devised catapult they started hurling fairly large stones on the fort. Thus they were able to breach the wall of the fort. When the Muslims tried to enter the fort throught the breach, the infidels threw red hot iron rods from the top. The Muslims were forced to withdraw a little and didn’t succeed in capturing it.

In the meantime, the Prophet (s.a.) asked Hazrat Ali (a.s.) to visit areas surrounding Taef and ordered him to destroy any place where idols were installed. Hazrat Ali (a.s.) took a group of men with him and passed near the habitation of Bani Khatam while it was still dark. They resisted and one of their well known fighter came forward and challenged for a fight. Hazrat Ali (a.s.) asked someone of his men to go ahead and kill the infidel. When none took courage in his hands, Abul Aaas ibne Rubaiah saw that Hazrat Ali (as.) was himself getting ready to confront the enemy. He offered that he would go. But the Imam stopped him and told him that if he succumbed during the fight, Abul Aas should take the command. Saying this, Hazrat Ali (a.s.) advanced swiftly and killed the infidel in one stroke. When Bani Khatam saw their warrior killed, they retraced their steps. Hazrat Ali (as.) went forward and destroyed all the idols of Bani Hawazan and Bani Thaqeef. When the entire area was free of the idols, he returned back. When the Prophet (s.a.) saw him coming, he loudly raised the slogan of ‘Allaho Akbar’ and took Hazrat Ali (a.s.) to a corner. They were quietly exchanging confidences for quite some time. Some persons didn’t like this quiet talk. They said, “Today the exchange of confidences with the cousin is quite long!”. Hazrat Omer couldn’t control himself. And he told to the Prophet (s.a.) directly that he talked with Ali (a.s.) in private and didn’t allow others to come near him! The Prophet (s.a.) replied:

“I have not exchanged confidences with Ali (a.s.)
but Allah has done it.”

Ref: Sahih Tirmizi, Page 487

During these days of the siege, Nafeh ibne Ghailan, with some cavaliers of Bani Thaqeef, emerged out of the fort. He was chased and killed. The cavaliers fled in fear. Now the besieged persons didn’t have any courage to come out of the fort. During this time the people living in the environs of Taef accepted Islam. Some slaves of Bani Thaqeef came out of the fort and accepted Islam on condition that they would be free men. The iege was now over twenty days and there was no indication of the fort being captured. The Prophet (s.a.) asked Naufil ibne Muawiya about the matter. He said that the enemy was like a fox in its den. On waiting it can be caught, if the chase is
given up, there is no fear of harm. The Prophet (s.a.) thought it better to lift the siege and leave Bani Thaqeef to their own scruples. He made an announcement that they were leaving from there the next day. Therefore, the Companions prepared for traveling on the following day. Ainia ibne Hasan Fazari talked of Bani Thaqeef in laudatory words when the Muslims prepared to lift the siege. Despit being a member of the Islamic army, he praised the enemy in these words:

“By Allah!

I didn’t come with you to fight with Bani Thaqeef.

My purpose was that when Mohammed (s.a.) captured Taef,

I take a woman of Bani Thaqeef as my slave!”

Ref: Tareeq e Tabari, Vol 2, Page 355

Someone said, “Ya Rasool Allah! Atleast curse the Bani Thaqeef!” In stead of cursing, the Prophet (s.a.) uttered these words:

“O Allah!

Guide Bani Thaqeef

and send them to me!”

Ref: Tareeq e Kamil, Vol 2, Page 181

The Prophet(s.a.)’s prayer was answered very soon after that. One delegation of Bani Thaqeef came to Madina and called on the Prophet (s.a). They offered to embrace Islam but made a condition that their idol of Laat should be left unharmed for three years! The Prophet (s.a.) rejected this condition. Then they reduced the period to two years, one year and finally to one month! Every time the Prophet (s.a.) refused to accept the condition. Then they said that if he insisted to break the idol, he should ask someone else to perform the task and shouldn’t ask them to break their own idol! The Prophet (s.a.) accepted their request. Then they asked to be exempted from offering mandatory prayers. The Prophet (s.a.) said:

“La khair fi Deen la Salat fi

There is no good in a Faith

Where there is no prayer!”

Then he uttered these words of warning:

“You accept Islam,

or else I shall send one, towards you, who is from me,

(Or he said, he is like my Conscience)!

He will cut your necks

and enslave your women and children

and confiscate your wealth and property.

Ref: Isteaab, Vol 2, Page 477

Hazrat Omer said that a wish came to his mind that the Prophet (s.a.) meant him as that person! But the Prophet (s.a.)

caught hold of Hazrat Ali (a.s.)’s hand and said twice:

“Haada huwa! Haada huwa!

This is him! This is him!”

The delegation returned to Taef and made their report about the meeting. They all agreed to unconditionally accept Islam.

In this expedition too, Hazrat Ali (a.s.)’s presence is prominent. Along with the duties of the Jehad, he is also active propagating the Faith. During the siege he destroyed the idols of Bani Thaqeef and Bani Hawazan and brought about a change in the thinking of the people in the environs of Taef preparing them to embrace Islam. He killed a strong warrior of Bani Qatam forcing them to capitulate. He killed Nafeh ibne Ghilan and chased away his cavaliers. In the end they all embraced Islam fearing his valorous attacks!

In this campaign, certain aspects of Hazrat Ali (a.s.)’s superiority are very evident. The Prophet (s.a.) exchanged confidences with him within sight of the other important Companions! When others expressed their objections, the Prophet (s.a.) said that Ali (a.s.) wasn’t only the keeper of his confidences, but of Allah as well! Then the Prophet (s.a.) compared Ali (a.s.) with his own Conscience, with his Own Self!.

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